Don't Get Me Upset!

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Kyle's P.O.V

I woke up to my neighbours dog, they always bark very early in the morning so I used them as my alarm.

I slowly swing one of my leg to the side of my bed then do the same to the other. I lifted the upper part of my body to a sitting position.

I started to think about what happened yesterday in the main hall. Why does Kel have to be the lycon while I'm just a normal wolf. I really hate when girls are stronger than me.

We may not share the same mother but we do share the same father and both of is mother's dead. Mine was murdered, and I'm not sure how her mother died.

I honestly don't think I deserve that.

It's no big deal because when we were little she used to make fun of me when I used to have a crush on a beautiful girl that turns out to be the slut of the community. Thank god that my wolf didn't want her as my mate.

'Her mom was the only thing or person that she trust so dearly.' Jake says interrupting my thoughts, he's my wolf.

"I know that, she lives with us she can share her thoughts with me."

He sighs, "you got to be kidding me. No one can trust you with their thoughts."

"Why do you say that?"

"Remember what happen to Rebecca?"


"Kyle I want to tell you something but you can't let Taylor knows about it ok."

"Rebecca I'm your best friend don't you trust me!?"

"Ok. I want Taylor to break up with that bitch she's nothing good for him. She's playing him."

I looked at her in confusion wondering what make she say that about her brother's girl.

"Ok, but what happen make you say that?"

"I have a picture of her kissing some unfamiliar boy."

"Let me see that picture."
She took out her phone from her back pocket and show me the pic. I looked closely and realize that it wasn't Crystal and the girl is kissing the boy on his cheek.

"Who send you this pic?" I asked.

"April." April's my ex-girlfriend
"Wow! And who does she told you it was?"

"She told me she's not sure but someone tell her that her name starts with 'C'."

"Your such an idiot that's not even Crystal."I yelled at her wanting her not to say anything more out of her mouth.

She looked down and growled softly. She look back at me in shame, "please don't tell him about this. He'll hate me."

I looked at her angrily I could tell that she is jealous of her brother.

I walked off without saying anything more to her.

The following morning I felt guilty not telling him about it because he's also my best friend.

So I called him.

* Phone Conversation*

"Hey Kyle why calling so early in the god-for-sake morning?"

"Umm... where are you?"

"In my bedroom."

"Where's your sister?"

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