Chapter 10- Getting Deeper

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Jenna's POV

We walked down the road. I kept getting stronger and stronger. I learned more secrets of Florence.

It is already 10 o'clock. There are 2 hours left until all is revealed.

Mathew pouted, "I'm bored! We have been walking for 2 hours! When will this dumb road end?" I rolled my eyes, "First, I don't care. Second, I still don't care. Third, how would we know? It is never-ending. That's pretty self-explanatory, dumbo." He responded, "Hey! I am not a dumbo. I just don't want to walk anymore." Chris laughed, "Stop beings a baby, Matty." Mathew pouted, "Fine. I can't wait to go back to bed and sleep."

Florence appeared and whispered, "Evil is coming. They are drawing near. We are losing time. They are going to find the road. Hurry!" She disappeared in a cloud of mist. We began to run at a fast pace. This road just goes on forever and ever.

A vision played in my mind.

Benjamin walked around in the woods and sniffed for something. He looked through trees and bushes, but he just could not find the road. The road contains the secrets and power, that he desires. He has to find it, before the kids come. He wondered, "I bet those three kids are part of the prophesy. I bet they are going to find that road!"

He went back to the route, where he last saw the kids. He sniffed the air and whispered, "I'm going to find you, Florence. You can't hide from me, I'm powerful." He walked closer and closer, while sniffing the air. He whispered, "I'm getting closer. I can feel it. Florence, come out. I know you still love me."

Florence appeared and growled, "What do you want, Benjamin?" He laughed wickedly, "You." She scoffed, "If you wanted me, you wouldn't have killed me. Now, what do you want?" He smirked, "I want the road, the powers, and the secrets. I want it all. Where is that road?" She snapped, "You are such a greedy man! I can't believe I fell in love with you. You will never find the road. You will never be as powerful, as me."

He laughed, "If only that were true, Florence. Remember, you drained your powers. The powers became a road. You said so yourself. When you drain your powers by yourself, it turns into a road. So you have no powers. I still have powers. For years, I have increased in power. I'm getting stronger. I will be even stronger, when I defeat the greatest of the Desired."

Florence rolled her eyes, "You will never find that road. You will never defeat a Desired One." He laughed, "When I do, I'm going to completely destroy you." Florence smiled, "In your dreams, Benjamin." She disappeared into the night and left Benjamin alone.

He continued his search for the road. He has to find it.

The vision stopped and we all stopped running. I panted, "He's so close. He is going to find the road." Chris responded, "Yeah. We still have a long way to go. Let's go!"

They ran again.

Author's Note:
I hope you like this chapter! Please vote or comment!
Sorry, if it is too short. The next chapter will be way longer.
1. What do you think of Benjamin and Florence?
2. Do you think Benjamin secretly loves Florence?
3. What do you think will happen next?

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