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So a lot of people are coming to my page leaving some rude comments or wrighting me rude meseges to me about saying I'm rude to someone on here. Now let's talk fakts here.

1. I am not being rude you are
2. All I did was warning a thief from going to jail
3. you still don't get that the warriorcats are copyrighted do you?
4. you C A N  N O T give away things people adopted or even payed REAL MONEY for!
5. If I see moon steal from one more artist I will make sure the police catches eye of her. I'm done with this "I can take it if I want to" crap.

Hey and insult _Danamaa_ or any other of my floof balls again I'm going to make you feel pain.
Also something els. As the nice person I have been so far I have not reported a soul for wrighting me these hatefull meseges but if you ceep going I might get enough of trying to be nice

My art and other shitWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt