Chapter 17: Questions and Answers

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A/N: HEY Y'ALL! So I decided that it was time for some serious answers, because there have been a few things that people were... unclear about. But I also didn't want the chapter to be all about Cara either, so this chapter is told on the first person prospective of... Delaney!!! She tells her story of what she thinks about everything, and I hope you guys really like this chapter! I will be posting chapter 18 ONLY when I get 550 views on this story, so your going to need to get your friends to help you get the story to 550... Thanks guys, enjoy!


Delaney's POV:

"So..." I said as the plane took off. Andy set the plane on autopilot and then came back into the area with the seats. I was sitting right next to Cara.

"Um wow... I say this with love, Cara, but you really need a shower..." I said, covering up my nose. She smelled like a sweat sock that was thrown in a dumpster... And then in the sewer...

Cara chuckled. "There is nothing I want more..."

Cara looked different. Not just in looks (Which her hair looked darker from dirt and grime) but she seemed different.

She acted like... just more closed off and concealed than before. She used to be so vulnerable and happy and lively... and this prison changed her.

"Listen," Cara said to Amanda. "I am done playing this stupid game with you where we hide things from eachother, and don't tell eachtother what's going on. It's time for some answers.

"Now, why don't you start by asking me all of the questions you have for me, Amanda."

"Alright... What really happened in there?" Amanda asked/

"I was wondering that too!" I chimed in.

Cara looked out the window of the plane. "If you really want to know... It was the worst experience of my life. They put me in this room with no doors and no windows. There were these... Riddles, on the walls, but... ugh, I can't remember them...

"Oh, and they asked me about this thing called... Sythenesia, or something weird like that... Do you know what that is?"

"Yes," Amanda admitted. "Synesthesia is a disease that a Protector is supposed to have. It is not very common... The disease mixes up your senses, so you hear colors, and taste sounds..."

"Well I don't think I have that, but this figure kept on asking me if I did... Ugh, how I'd like to give him a nice kick to the balls-"

"But what if it's a girl?" I asked.

"Then a nice punch to the boobs, then."

"Yeah, that would hurt..." I said, trying not to burst into laughter.

"Anyway, the figure kept showing me a picture of a door that had a color wheel on it. And then they put me in this bright red room. But then I found out that the walls were red with the blood of other victims that were locked in the room before me. Then you rescued me... Oh, and I met this girl named-"

"Wait, blood?! Blood was in the room you were in?!" I said, cutting her off. "That's insane! Who would do that?!"

"Yes, it was insane..." Cara shivered.

I really felt bad for her, but I had a question of my own that I wanted answered. And, for the sake of me ruining a moment, it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.

"Just to, uh, change the subject, So, what's the gossip on you and my brother? Did Andy and you kiss?!"

"Um, NO! We did NOT kiss! I do like him a lot, and I would date him, but we aren't together."

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