Chapter 23: The Color Wheel

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A/N: So... *Cue Music* IT's THE FINAL COUNTDOWN! (DUH DUH DUH NAAAA, DUH DUH DUH DUH DAAAA, DUH DUH DUH DAAAA...) Anyway... So it's the final chapter. Sequel coming soon! (More like 4 months but you know close enough) Get ready for some cliffhangers😈😈😈

PS: My apologies for what's about to happen...

Also, I just wanted to give you all a little challenge: If you read the chapter of the book, please comment what you thought of the book as a whole. If you liked it, hated every moment, didn't like one character, ship two characters, what you wish happened, what you want to happen, if you will read the sequel, and anything else you can think of. It would mean so much to me, honestly. Don't forget to hit that vote button too!!! Thanks, enjoy the final chapter!


Cara hopped out of the plane and looked around to see a cornfield outside. It was way hotter than she had expected, but then again, she really didn't know where she was.

How long was she even asleep? She couldn't even begin to comprehend the answer.

Andy, Katie, and Delaney all came out after, looking around.

"Where are we headed?" Andy asked, squinting in the sun light. The rest of them filed out of the plane slowly, glaring at the sun as the descended to the ground.

"We're already here." Amanda said, walking over to a little shack and opening its barn doors.

The all squeezed into the little shack, it's contents covered in dust and spider webs. They all looked questioningly at Amanda, who smirked as she inched toward the back corner of the shack, where a dusty shelf sat. On top of the shelf, there was a rusty gardening water can. She pushed it to the side to reveal a small electrical box. Amanda opened it to reveal 6 colorful buttons, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple.

Amanda pushed them in an odd order, and then the back wall of the shack... moved.

As in, it opened like a door to reveal what looked the the tiniest elevator in existence. "two at a time, then. " Amanda said cheerfully, entering the elevator and pulling Alec in with her.

"Only go four floors down. Oh, and if the elevator stops just jump and it should keep going."

The elevator door closed, and Amanda and Alec disappeared, Amanda with a smile and Alec with fearful look on his face.


"WHOA WHOA WHOA, LET'S TAKE A MINUTE, OKAY?" Delaney said, cutting Cara's violent swearing rant off early. "Cara, I know it's hard to believe that you are going to come out of this unscathed, but Amanda Walker is not known for her hospitality and caring for feelings. She is known for being an amazing protector. Cara, I wouldn't have let you come if I thought that any of us were in danger, especially you. I know that whatever is behind these doors is going to test you, and could put you in a bad position where you need to choose between yourself or us, but Cara... If I learned anything from becoming friends with you in the last month, it's that you are a fighter. You aren't going to give up because you are afraid. You are a warrior. And one more thing. I want to thank you. You helped me develop a new side of myself, and it is the side that doesn't give in. I couldn't ask for a better person to walk through this door with than you."

"Aw, thank you so much Delaney." Cara said, coming in for a hug. They stayed together for a few seconds before pulling apart. Cara began to prepare herself while Miss Narrac started talking to Katie.

"Nice save." Andy leaned in and whispered to Delaney

"Thanks," she replied, "but I have no idea what I just said. Hopefully it was inspirational..?"

He chuckled and put his arm around her shoulder. "I think i'm rubbing off on you, sis."

Just then, the doors to the elevator opened, waiting to be used again. "Who's next?" Delaney asked.

"I am." Andy and Cara said at the exact same time. They gave each other a weird look and then smiled. "Alright then..." Delaney said, as they walked into the small elevator and clicking the "B4" button.

"See you down there." Cara said as the elevator doors closed.

It was kind of a tight squeeze for the two of them, and they were closer than two people should normally be. He smiled at her, and she smiled back.

The elevator squeaked as it went down very slowly. "So... Are you nervous?" Andy asked causally.

"That's an understatement... But I'm fine, really. I don't need anyone to protect me."

Just then the elevator doors opened to reveal 6 people (dressed in all black and had something covering their faces) were standing there, each holding a treacherous weapon.

"On second thought, I might want a little protection right now." Cara said, trying to back up but running into the back wall of the elevator.

Andy grabbed Cara's arm and didn't let go. The people walked forward and threw them both over their shoulders. "ANDY!" Cara screamed as her grip on his arm was slipping. "We'll be fine Cara!" They let go of each other and were put in two separate rooms. Car yelled and kicked but the man (at least, she assumed it was a man) walked out of the room and locked it.

The room was small, and although it was cooler in this room than in the shack, she didn't like how everything looked like dirt. There were random items in the room, but she didn't pay attention to them. Her goal was to escape the room.

Cara began to kick one of the walls to the room very hard. She wasn't just going to sit there. She thought that if she kicked hard enough eventually she might be able to kick a hole into another empty room.

But after 5 minutes of kicking, all she had managed to do was get a swollen foot. She sighed, looking at a little piece of paper on the floor. She wiped the dirt off and began to read it:

"Dear Reader,

I've been where you are before. I know how awful it is to be stuck in a prison by wardens who you've never met but already hate. That's why you need to escape. And I can help with that.

Do you see that little can opener in the corner of the room?"

At this, Cara looked up and squinted at the corner. She shuffled over to it and picked up the dirty can opener. She continued reading.

"Now, you need to use that can opener and cut a hole in the wall across from the door. Cut the hole with the little sharp part about three feet above the floor right across from the door. Make the hole about 6 inches so that you can get the bag in there. After you find the little bag, it will give you the resources to escape. Good luck, reader.

Peter Marx."

Wait, Peter Marx?! That was her dad! Her dad was in this room at some point? Had he been in the same situation she was in? She quickly got the can opener and looked right across the room to where the wall opposite of the door was. She eye-balled about 3 feet above the ground and started cutting the hole.

It took some time, since the can opener wasn't very sharp, but it seemed as though it had already been cut into before. Eventually, she cut the entire hole in one piece so that she could put the dirt back where she cut the hole so it didn't look like anything had happened there. She pulled a small little pencil case out of the hole and quickly opened the zipper.

Inside the bag, there was a 

A/N: HAHA you'll never know because i'm probably never going to finish this book. In fact I'm probably gonna delete it soon, but we shall see.

Omg rereading that intro Authors Note, I was so hopeful back then XD

Well that's it, hope you enjoyed this trainwreck bye

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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