lovin the bum (roc royal love story)

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Chresanto p.o.v: wussup im chresanto im 25 and I been homeless since I was 15 this is how it all started i remember it like it was yesterday


One day I was I my room sleep and I heard my parents arguing with some of there customer I walk to the top of the stair case and there was two tall men around 6'7 6'8 tbh I was scared next thing I know gun shoots were fired and they stole my mom and dad drugs when they left I ran down to see if they where still breathing and they were

Me: mom -I said crying-

Mom: baby your going to be ok I love you baby ill be watching over you -then her eyes shut-

Me: no mom .. Dad !

Dad: I love u to son go to the safe the password is "love" and get the money don't call the police because you'll be in the states custody be safe -and his eyes shut-

I got up crying my eyes out I packed my stuff put it in the trunk of my dads car (good thing he tought me how to drive) I went bk into the house and went to the safe I unlocked it and there was a note that read

Dear chres,

If your reading this note it means we are no longer living im sorry it had to happen so soon we love you and spend this money wisley we didnt get to shave uo that much its only 5,800$ go to the cheapest hotel ever and dont by much fast food by we love u

. From mom and dad :)

I was crying by now I graded the money and took off









-Two year later- I only have a dollar to my name I started sleeping under the hiway because I had no family and no money to pay for any motels

***flashback over***

And that's how I lead to being here . don't think I havent tried to get a job ,I have but who wants a bum working for them ? I have to steal food n clothes just to get by im tierd of this life style .. And did I forget to tell u that those people are after me they beat me up so bad yesterday but I still managed to get away from them

God jus send me an angle please

Shaterria p.o.v: hi im shaterria in 20 and I been dating my boyfriend craig for 4 years today makes it 5 im a doctor and I have no kids . Me and prodigy just came from going out to eat for our anniversary we where riding under the hiway and I slammed on the brakes because I saw a whole bunch of people surrounding one man beatin him to death when I hoped out I scared the men off and i ran to the helpless body bleeding on the ground he was light skin full lips and pretty long hair in a ponytail he looked around 24 25 he was maybe about 6'5 im 5'0 so I needed help

Me: baby come help me -I said crying a lil-

He came and help me put him in the back seat

Craig: what are you going to do with him

Me: im goin to take him home and help him out Its the right thing to do

Craig: hes not comming home with us we don't know him what if he try to kill us thinking we where the people who just beat him ! He's unconscious

me: prod not now please

When I pulled up at the house prodigy went straight in without helping me when I finally got him in I layed him on the bathroon floor I left the bathroom and went into our room and grabed some new boxers basketball shorts and a wife beater then i graded prodigys axe body wash

Prodigy: what the hell are u doing

Me: im about to clean him hes been knocked out he cant do it himself and its the only way for me to see what needs to be stiched together

Prodigy: your not gonna bathe him are u crazy

I didnt replie I walked out grabed a clean rag and towel and ran some hot bath water I striped him and out him in the tub I wet the rag and put some axe on it and started bayhing im he was really dirty . I close my eyes and washed him .when I was done I put on his clothes I washed his face when u seen it clearly he was really handsome really nice looking.it hurted me he had to go thought what he's going through. I carried him to the guess room and grabed my first aid kit and doctor materials then prod came up behind me

Prod: so I guess you bathe him when u asked you not to

All I did was turn around and kiss him

Me: I love u

And I walked away when I walked back in the room I realized I had to stich a big gash on his chess and above his eye so I started stichin and then he woke up and talked with his deep raspy voice

???: w-where am I

Me: I seen you being attacked by alot of men and I saved u im a doctor so be still

I finsh sticking him up and he was just staring at me

Me:why u starin at me Mr

???: why did u save me ?

Me: it was the right thing to do

???: thanks for helping me but i should get going

Me: no u can stay here as long as u want to

???: thanks

Me: you welcome what's your name

???: chresanto

Me: oo great name crestoe im shaterria

Chresanto: -start laughing- Its chresanto

Me: o im sorry well me and my boyfriend craig welcome u to our house are you hungry?

Chresanto: starved I havent at in 3 Weeks

Me: o wow well let me change all ill cook you something you can explore the house

I got up and walked out and put on my and a tink top and my leggings

Chresanto p.o.v: shaterria is beautiful lady im grateful she saved me I walked in the bath room and looked in the mirror I looked so much better i look like i belong . I looked like my mother . I teared up thinking about my parents

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