The Modern Romeo and Juliet

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A/N: The time Riley makes Maya join theatre with her, and the teacher sees them as the perfect couple for Romeo and Juliet

"Welcome to drama, my darlings!" Ms. Kola says, her smile filled with excitement.

Maya sighs, "Riley, why did I sign up for this with you, again?"

Riley squeezes her friend's arm, "Because you said that you didn't want me to be alone with no one to protect me from any of the drama kids. Also, it's because you love me."

The blonde rubs her neck. Riley sure had that right. The blonde loved Riley more than she would care to admit, but her friendship with the beautiful brunette is more important than her crush.

Entangling their hands together, Maya snuggles into Riley's side, "You got that right, my little plant."

"You two are perfect!" Ms. Kola says, breaking Maya and Riley out of their conversation.

"Huh?" Maya asks.

Ms. Kola claps her hands together, "Riley, you are as fair and kind as a princess. Perfect for the part of Juliet."

Riley squeals and jumps in excitement. Maya laughs, Riley's excitement making her smile. Ms. Kola grabs Maya's shoulders, causing the blonde to snap her attention away from her adorable friend.

"And you, my dear, are the hopelessly in love suitor, hoping for a chance with the fair maiden who has stolen your heart," Ms. Kola says.

Maya shuts her eyes in fear, "Please, do not tell me I am playing the part of Romeo..."

"But, of course! It's perfect! The love between two women; it is so taboo. It's perfect! This shall be the modern Romeo and Juliet!" Ms. Kola says, giving Riley and Maya a hug.

Ms. Kola turns back to the class, giving everyone else their roles. The blonde stands there in horror, not knowing what to do. Meanwhile, Riley squeals and hugs Maya tightly.

"Isn't this exciting, Maya? We are going to be the main leads!" Riley says, her smile growing.

The blonde bites her lip nervously, "Riles, you know what type of play this is and who Romeo and Juliet are, right?"

Riley smiles, "Of course I do! Who doesn't know about their famous tale of love?"

"... And you do realize if I'm playing Romeo and you are playing Juliet, we are going to have to kiss..." Maya mumbles.

The brunette wraps an arm around her friend, "Well, yeah, but I'm fine with it. I am glad that it won't be just some random guy. It's going to be my best friend. Do you care?"

Maya feels butterflies fill her stomach, but she covers it up with her signature smirk, "Nah, Riles. I mean, we are best friends. One small kiss couldn't change that."


"Eyes, look your last. Arms, take your last embrace. And, lips, oh, you the doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss," Maya says, walking over to the bed Riley is laying on.

She bows her head, looking out at the crowd who is entranced with their performance. No one was moving, waiting anxiously for the big kiss scene. The blonde is completely a mess of nerves inside, but she hides it for the play.

Maya looks down at Riley's face, softly brushing her friend's hair out of her face. The blonde pushes down her nervousness, and she softly holds Riley's chin, bringing her lips closer to hers. Finally, she connects her lips with Riley's. It was nothing huge, just their lips barely touching, but Maya felt as if she would faint.

The blonde takes a deep breath, hovering over Riley for another second before looking back out at the crowd. Maya continues on with her lines, her lips tingling. She hides behind her role, knowing that she, in fact, is the real hopelessly in love suitor.

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