Elizabeths's P.O.V

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I sit in the bath daddy put me in about 10 minutes ago . Once he saw me distracted by my toys he just left me here . Didn't wash me or anything . I sigh and continue to hum a tune from the "Lion King" my favorite Disney movie . I just love how they're so cute
almost like humans but cuter . I wish I was a lion in love now . I mean I like being here with Daddy but he scares me and I'd rather be a furry lion .

I lose my train of thought when I hear an unfamiliar voice in daddy's room . My little instincts kick in and I begin to whine and whimper being stupid to think daddy will hear me . I know I whine a lot but I'm scared . My last daddy was something awful and he just ruined my trust and my ability to be loved . I hate him for that most . Taking away something I was looking forward to . Love . He also ruined my ability to be normal . See, I go into my deepest little space when I'm afraid or startled also when I'm in danger , but don't make me angry that's when the claws are out and this kitty scratches .

I softly giggle at my own silliness and play in the water . Forgetting about the stranger in daddy's room I let myself relax .

The voice out there stopped but I hear footsteps on the floor . Oh my gram crackers is he coming in here . Daddy didn't lock the door either . Oh no .

I hear the door knob turn and the door creek open . I sit all the way back in the tub and pull my knees to my chest so he can't see me . I want my daddy now more than ever . He strides into the bathroom looking in the mirror whispering frustrated words to himself . Words I shouldn't say . The anger radiating from his body made me feel uneasy and I was to scared to hold my breath so doing what I do best I let out a throaty wine . The moment he heard me wine he snapped his head around toward me looking interested and confused .

"Wow McCann outdid himself this time . He's letting his sluts bathe now." Confused about what he meant I cocked my head to the side a little and he chuckled . I don't like him . He is scary and ugly . Okay he's not ugly but he doesn't look like daddy . His face is covered in a blondish colored beard , he had blue eyes and he's about 6feet a little shorter than daddy .

I was to busy daydreaming to realize he's now closed the door . Oh god no . Daddy where are you ? "Now darling , I've had a long day . What are you good at "? I look at him confused and he grunted which caused me to shriek. "Just come here and show me what you do to Jason" I scream as loud as I can as he's now reaching into my bath water . I kick and scream and he didn't stop fighting . He stood up off his knees and bent over, starting to lift me . God why do I have to be so tiny . He lifted me and laid me on the floor hovering my cold wet naked body . I still kick and scream my lungs out and that only earned me a slap to the face . This being all too familiar my screaming turned into heavy sobs . "Now I see you're a screamer . I like it . " I shake my head so furiously I thought I might get whiplash . He nods his head as he began to rub his hand up my leg and to my no no spot . I started to panic again but he gives me a warning look and I shut my mouth . He continues to rub my no no spot and I lay there uninterested but hurt .

"Moan, why aren't you moaning. Hm maybe you're a straight to the dick type girl". When he said those words I didn't hold back anymore . I screamed loud and long for my daddy . "DADDY,DADDY PLEAS WHERE ARE YOU , HELP ME DADDY PLEASE" . I kept yelling and hollering until he punched me with all his anger in that one hit . I yelped . It's over . This is it . I'm gonna get rap-

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?" I suddenly feel the weight of the nasty man gone and I try my best to get a good look of daddy beating up the man who almost raped me . Daddy's going crazy throwing punches and swears everywhere . His voice being the only thing I can hear . Besides a few cracks from nasty mans face . Uh oh . "DID YOU REALLY THINK I WOULDN'T FUCK YOU UP , YOU HURT MY PRINCESS YOU LOW LIFE SON OF A BITCH ILL KILL YOU" . This can't be good . I let out all the tears and begin to wail like the big baby I am . Daddy notices and comes over . He picks me up and coos sweet nothings in my ear as he lays me on the bed . "Daddy's sorry kitten wait here" . I nod my head and watch as he walks to the drawer I was snooping through when I first woke up . I watch curiously until I hear a click . I cock my head to the side only to realize it's the gun I found .

Oh no Daddy .

Author's Note :
Cliffhanger ... I hope you babes like this chapter . I'll be updating in another 2 days . Love y'all 💖💘

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