2NE1 Album:To Anyone

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List of song album To Anyone (Korean,English,Romanization lyrics):

1.   Can't Nobody
2.   Go Away
3.   Clap Your Hands
4.   I'm Busy
5.   It Hurts
6.   Love Is Ouch
7.   You And I(Bom)
8.   Please Don't Go(Minzy ft CL)
9.   Kiss(Dara)
10. Follow Me
11. I Don't Care
12. Can't Nobody(English


1.   Can't Nobody
2.   Go Away
3.   It Hurts
4.   You & I(Bom)
5.   Please Don't Go(Minzy ft CL)
6.   Kiss(Dara)
7.   I don't Care

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