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Imagine for svtbtstrash, amanafa, niyizie_wonnie and 17mint

"Will you go out with me today?"

You hear Wonwoo speak, presumingly from the doorway. You were lying in your bed, face down on the pillow. You turn to the side to answer him.


You bury your face back into he pillow and you hear him sigh loudly. You hear him approach the bed and you feel the beds sheets pull as he sits down on the bed.

"C'mon, Y/N, you can't stay salty forever." You can't see him but you can tell he's smiling as he says this. You can't help but smile a little aswell despite you insisting in being grumpy for months.

You had recently gone through a bad break up with a serious boyfriend and all you felt like doing was lying down in bed. The boys had all tried to cheer you up but they all gave up when the second month of being a giant ball of salt rolled around. But Wonwoo kept trying to cheer you up and you tried to appreciate it but you were in permanent bitch mode these days.

"I see that smile." Wonwoo suddenly leans down and whispers in your ear. You smile even more and press your face harder against the pillow. "I know you're smiling. You can't hide from me."

You smoothe out your facial features until it's a satisfying done-with-life bitch face and turn over. You sit up and look Wonwoo directly in the eye.

"I am not smiling." You say, fighting back the smile with as much force as a nuclear bomb.

"Are you sure about that?" He starts poking your face with a finger, smiling like a goof.

The smile manages the break through and he laughs triumphantly. You grab the pillow and hit him with it and he holds his hands over his head to block it. He laughs the whole time, easily catching the pillow and hitting you back.

"See? That's the Y/N I know." He says softly, holding the pillow to his chest.

"Yeah, yeah, shut up." You mutter.

"So, will you go out with me today? I really need to start Christmas shopping."

"Wonwoo, it's November."

"I like starting early! Everything's still cheap." He grins mischievously and you shake your head at him, fighting the smile once again.

"I don't know... I kinda wanna stay in bed forever."

"Well you can't. You'll get fat. And besides, you need fresh air. Staying in here won't help you get over it." He says softly.

You expect the pain in your heart to come full throttle but, for some reason, it never does around him. He's the only one who can get you to smile and the only one who can help your forget about the whole break up thing. It's this fact alone that make you reluctantly agree to join him.

"Okay, fine. But I'm gonna complain the whole time." You say defiantly, knowing it's not true.

"I'll buy earmuffs. C'mon, get dressed. We got some shopping to do." He claps excitedly and leaves the room.

You get changed quickly, pulling out random clothes from your wardrobe. You walk into the living room where all the boys are lazing around, taking a small, relaxing break after the second comeback. They all looked up as you walked in.

"Oh look, a bear came out of hibernation early." Seungkwan says, briefly looking over his phone at you.

You were about to swivel around and walk back into the room when Wonwoo walks up to you.

"You ready to go?" He asks. He grins widely at you, clearly happy that you're out of bed.

"Yeah, I guess." You mumble.

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