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Imagine for rocketz_ , moonbeannie and gingerbyrd01

"Y/N, it's that boy again."

You look up from the papers you were sorting and stare, dumbfounded, at your co-worker who was holding the phone at arms length.

"What? Again? Are you being serious?" You ask.


"This is the fourth time this week! Does that guy live on pizza? Does he breathe it or something!?" You cry out, burying your face in your hands.

As your co-worker laughs, you think about that boy. The one who had ordered pizza from the place that you work at four times in the same week. And since you were the only delivery girl available, you were the one that delivered to his house each time.

"Yes, deliveries are still available... yes, we'll get your order over as soon as possible... goodbye." You co-worker finishes talking to him and turns to you. "Okay Y/N, he's your last delivery for the day and then you're free. The pizza will be done in a few minutes. Finish up with that paperwork." He instructs you and then walks off toward the kitchens.

You sigh and lean back over the desk you were standing over, sorting out the paperwork. You find yourself wondering about that boy and about his weird pizza addiction.

Eventually, you get done with the paper work and you end up sitting around waiting for the pizza to be ready. You close your eyes, tired after a long day of deliveries. Your breathing slows as you start to drift off...


You jump up in your seat, your eyes flying open. Your co-working is leaning over you, pizza in hand.

"Delivery time." He announces and he shoves the pizza into your hands.

You groan and lift yourself off your chair, pizza in hand. You roll your eyes at your co-worker as he grins smugly.

"Off you go." He says as he lightly pushes you out the door.

"Yeah, yeah." You mutter. You walk over to the delivery car that's parked just outside the store and get inside, placing the pizza on the passenger seat.

It doesn't take you long to drive to his house, since you already knew the route by heart at this point. You park outside and walk up to his house, pizza at the ready. You carefully balance the pizza in one hand and use the another the knock the infamous door for the fourth time that week.

A split second after you knock, the door flies open at lightning speed. The boy stands there smiling sheepishly at you.

"Pizza delivery!" You announced brightly, silently muttering the word 'again', in your head.

"Ah yes. Thank you." His eyes don't leave yours as he takes the pizza from your hands.

There's a long silence while he just smiles at you. You avoid eye contact with him, until the silence gets too weird for you.

"Um, you do have to pay y'know." You point out.

He jumps a little at the sound of your voice. "Oh! Oh yeah, hold on a minute."

He turns and runs back inside his house. You wait just outside the door and peer inside the house. You spot him standing in front of a mirror, redoing his hair and checking his face.

Has he got a date or something? You wonder to yourself.

You stop peering inside and continue waiting outside. He eventually returns to the door, the smile still plastered on his face, without the pizza.

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