The Unease [CH7]

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A secret?

What kind of a secret? I don't get it. So far, Felix doesn't know anything which he should. Even though I really don't have anything to tell him. Why would he care, since he bullies me pretty much every day.

Felix inhales loudly enough so I could hear it. I think he's tired or something. The school is very quiet since almost every student has left back home, expect me and this weird but somehow attractive man. He raises his right hand and lightly scratches his back hair, taking a short step towards the doors. I noticed that my moment has arrived, so I followed Felix's figure walking to the doors, forcing himself throughout the doors. I basically ran after he seems to be gone from my vision. I quickly peeked out from the doors if he's any near, just in case. After I didn't see him, I pushed the doors open and smell the fresh air instead of the dusty and probably poisonous air inside the school.

The yard was empty as it usually is at this time. I smiled to myself knowing that I managed to survive another day here being one of the most bullied girl here. I think I should be proud but I'm not. Maybe someday it will be over, after about 9 years of bullying. Or not. What if I have to suffer all the way through my entire life being bullied?

I continued my way out of the school's area after a long day, taking my time to walk to the store. I'm not picking the first one which I would see after just a couple minutes, just so I can avoid people from my school. My favorite store was very close to the Brighton Pier, which is one of my favorite places to visit and just relax. Even though there's a pretty long way there, I just like to go there. With that as my excuse, I can kill some time since Daizo is somewhere else with actual friends. I wonder what it's like to have more than just one friend. I think she's getting bored of me. She must be getting bored. I mean, who wouldn't get bored of me? Maybe that's why I don't have more friends - People get bored of my company. Or maybe Daizo have had enough of me being clingy and me being too attached to her.

It didn't take me more than just five minutes as I was already in front of the shop I always visit. It truly is very small, but absolutely enough for me. I have never seen anyone who I should be terrified of in here, and that's absolutely great. I love the owner of this place also. I get into a small talk with her very often, and is pretty much the only person I dare to talk to besides Daizo.

I took a long step to the front door and pushed it open. A small but vibrant knock from the little bell was heard up the door. I stepped on the old wooden floor, which creaked under my foot and smelled the old but somehow satisfying smell of the little shop. I first didn't hear any noise besides the old clock ticking on the wall, but then I heard some footsteps. They were coming behind the desk, and finally an old lady was shown through the darkness.

''Oh, hi Marzia! Good to see you here again.'' She smiled, poorly trying to pronounce my name correctly.

''Hello Celia.'' I greeted her with a faint smile.

''What did you come for this time?'' She asks, trying to have an eye sight with me. I met her eyes, but quickly turn my eyes away because of my shyness.

''I actually don't know. Just casually looking for something that gets into my arms.'' I mumbled for an answer.

The old lady just gave a little laugh and walked around the desk, watching around her little store. I instead focused to buy something which is actually needed. I grabbed a basket where I'd put the groceries and made my way to the shelf where's the drinks and stuff. Dragging my index finger down the edge of the shelf I tried to find my favorite tea, blueberry bubble tea. Especially in this store I find my favorite. Finally it comes ahead, so I grabbed it. There was just a couple left so I was lucky enough to get these into my hands.

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