Part 15

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The sleepy hum of the car was comforting, but the presence of Koichi, my boyfriend, was what made me feel most at ease. I stopped at a traffic light to gaze over at the pinkette, who had shut his eyes in an attempt to fall asleep. I smiled and said,

"You've had such a busy few days, huh?"

His beautiful eyes fluttered open again, and they met mine. He laughed softly, a gentle blush forming.

"Do you want to come back to mine? I don't want to be away from you tonight. I- I've missed you for too long." A spark of doubt had risen inside me, but it was quickly extinguished by the bassist's sweet reply,

"Of course, darling."

So I drove us home, a large smile on my face, and we trekked up the steep steps to my apartment together, both carrying shopping bags and panting heavily. When we finally got inside my apartment, we were met with my two gorgeous cats, and immediately Koichi giggled as he knelt down to stroke them. They cautiously approached him, sniffing his hands before nuzzling against them lovingly, and the man giggled again.

We placed our shopping bags down in the kitchen, before returning to the living room to watch a film. Orange dusk sunlight was still seeping through the blinds, but the colour seem to set a romantic mood. Koichi had already squatted down in front of my DVD rack, scanning through the entire pile to find something watchable. He looked so adorably childish, and I smiled to myself before he piped up,

"Star Wars, MiA-san?" He knew me too well.

After placing the disc inside the DVD player, Koichi settled down next to me on the sofa, eagerly awaiting the start of the movie. I was thinking about whether I should cuddle him or something, seeing as there was an awkward 20cm or so between us that we both knew needed sorting out. But, before I could make a move, the pink haired man stretched one of his long arms sideways, before letting it rest behind me, one hand sitting on my farther shoulder. I chuckled quietly, mumbling,

"Idiot," and admited to my obvious embarrassment, before closing the gap between us, and resting my head on his shoulder. I felt a contented sigh escape his mouth, and I shut my eyes for a second, enjoying the heat and closeness of his body, the comfort of having another person to love. It was relaxing. But suddenly, I was brought back to my senses as loud music boomed from the television, making me jump and squeak comically in fright. Koichi noticed and burst out into a fit of laughter,

"MiA I didn't think you jump so easily!" he said between heaps of giggles, and I grabbed a pillow from the empty space next to me on the sofa, using it to bat at his head, yelling,

"Shut up idiot!" I a playful manor, feeling the hard blush on my face worsen. Koichi grabbed another pillow from his side, and used it as defence, before kneeling up and attacking me with it, still laughing. I had a huge smile on my face, a genuine smile. Even as I was being attacked by expensive pillows. My attacker suddenly stopped, as I had curled up in a ball of laughter on the sofa, covering my face shyly. The room fell silent, besides the murmuring of the Star Wars opening in the background (which had made the pillow fight seem all the more epic), and I felt two hands gently pull at my wrists, to move my hands away from my face. Slowly, I opened my eyes, but I immediately shut them again, as, now upon my lips, were a much softer pair of lips, silencing any remaining giggles, calming my body and relaxing my mind. And of course, I kissed these lips back, loving every second of the passion. And I knew he did too, as he continued to plant more and more kisses upon my lips, mending our broken hearts and forming a brand new relationship. No words were needed now. We both knew what was right. He was perfect. He was my perfect.

After a slow, sleepy, but passionate make out session, the pinkette spoke, his voice now a huskier, deeper tone,
"I love you, MiA-san."
I blushed at the words he spoke. And of course, I replied instantly, speaking through the huge smile I had on my face,

"I love you too, Koichi."


WAIT!!!!!!!!!! This isn't the end of the fan fiction. Its the end of the main stuff. I have **2 special chapters** written for you (I promised some TsuRyo, right?) and I was gonna put it on the end of this chapter but I felt that it would ruin the cutesy MiAKoi mood hahaha. VOTE COMMENT SHARE LIKE FAVE RT .. .. ?.. THANKYOU for reading and stay tuned for the special chapters.. .. ..
.. .. ..I also haven't forgotten about Teru and Hizaki ;)

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