Chapter 6

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Carters Pov

Why is it impossible to get him out of my head! All I wanted was to be away from him! Why is it so impossible! 

*knock on the door* 

Who can it be at this hour? I thought 

"Carter!! Oh its so great to see you again after how long? Who cares right? what matters is that we are together again!"

"Inside my head, I was mentally killing her what could she possibly want now....."

"Is there something you need? Did you lose something?"

"No, can't is just visit my best friend?"

"Really what do you need?!" 

"Well if you insist.... I heard you have contact with One Direction and you see I really like one of the band members and I would like to get in contact with him again."

"And what do you want me to do about it?"

"Be my best friend and introduce me to the band"

"Goodbye Amber"

"No wait please just at least allow me to stay until I find a place to sleep" 


Can things just get any better??? I know this isn't the end of the world,  maybe it's a chance for me to get close to Amber again... After all, I do need someone to look out for me right? Yea, I'm going to give her one last chance. That chance starts tomorrow when me and Harry have our little chat.... I hope I'm not making a mistake....

Harrys Pov

"Harry are you positive that's smart" said Liam ranting on again 

"For the 1ooth time I'm sure! Just let me do my thing" 

They seriously think I'm going to mess up again! they are all wrong and ill prove it to them.  Carter will be mine, she's the only person I have truly felt something different for. She the reason for me being me she gave me the motivation to follow my dreams. I know that Amber has a plan too, but I won't let her ruin things again. Amber has warned me about her coming back, but I don't believe she'll do that and I hope she doesn't. 

"Well Harry, I can only stand from afar and  laugh if this plan goes wrong" said Louis making an attempt at being serious.

"Great friends I have here" 

Yup, at this point I step away and check on how the shop is coming along....

Carters Pov

"Amber hurry up we're going to be late and I just want to get this over with!" 

"I'm coming love hold on a minute" Amber said trying way to hard

"Wow... Are we going out to get coffee or are we going to a premier? I'm highly confused" 

"Oh don't worry darling, you're not the only one trying to get lucky tonight" Amber said in a tone that made me want to rip her head out

"Walk away before I regret giving you a second chance" 

What the hell is her problem does she like Harry? She's not even going to talk to him nor sit with us unless I really need her. I know I may sound jealous but she just looks so stunning and I just look simple compared to her! It doesn't matter this chat will be over before I know it. 

"So why is it that you two are meeting up? Did you finally get over the fact that he cheated on you?" 

"No Amber not at all its just that in the adult world when you have to work with people you don't like its better to be professional and leave all that behind"

"So this is just a business talk? Why not settle things over the phone or better yet just forget it" 

"Shut up Amber you are highly annoying" 

Gosh, I was so happy when that car ride ended but then again I was reminded of how things were before Harry, I really missed having someone to talk to even if the person was a bitch. 

"This is really the place? Why would you meet here its old and ugly" 

"Maybe because it isn't anything special" I said opening the door

Once I opened the door so many emotions got to me, the place was so nice and it was a nicer display of our first date. Everything was just so amazing... There was just one obstacle in the way between Harry and me, one was Amber which had him embraced in a very tight hug and the other was the hatred I felt for him for doing this and ruining my chance at love. 

Harrys Pov

Once she came through that door I saw the look on her face and I knew I had a chance, I was so gobsmacked on Carter and how beautiful she looked that I wasn't aware that Amber was also here and before I knew it she was on me. 

"What are you doing here!" I whispered 

"Oh I'm sorry did I ruin your date with Carter?"

I got her off as soon as possible, but it was too late Carter had that look of hatred back in her eyes. Her beautiful eyes had lost that spark they once held. I felt like I had stepped in glass, my one chance was ruined and Amber was the main reason, but I won't let this stop me. 

"So Amber I hate to say this but three's a crowd so how about you make your way out or I'm sure they would need your help in the kitchen" 

"I'm sure my lovely friend Carter would love me to say for a while" 

"No actually you can leave for a while I'd like to discuss things with Harry privately" Carter was officially my hero for purposely annoying Amber 

"Okay so you have 30 minutes Harold talk fast" 

"First of all I'm so happy you came and I know you may hate me and not feel the same way but I still love you! What I did was a mistake and it wasn't supposed to happen! Please give me another chance its been a long time I have changed and I have suffered my fair share and I know you have too. I know that you want to hate me but that not true I know you still love me." 

"Harry stop wasting your breath, I knew this was a mistake I shouldn't have come"

Carters Pov

I just wanted to cry, I wanted him to hold me and never let me go, I want him, I just can't have him I have learned to forgive him little by little and as much as I want I can't let myself give in. 

"Harry I'm sorry I have lots of work yet to do I really have to go" I was barely able to speak, tears were threatening to spill

I was getting up to leave but before I knew it Harry had me in his strong embrace, I couldn't hold it together I had to let myself melt into him 

"Please stay at least for a while, let me hold you at least one last time" 

At that point I wasn't sure what would happen next all my walls have come down and I had to keep them up I struggled to keep them half way up but I hugged him there I love you was so close to spilling my mouth. He made me feel a way no one has ever made me feel. He unexpectedly kissed me, I just let him, it felt so good it was like I was whole again. I felt ready to move things forward and leave the past behind this was our moment. Before I knew it Amber came and ruined my sanctuary 

"Harry, shall we tell our friend some very important information?"  Amber said ruining our perfect moment


Hey guys so all of you have given me the motivation to continue and trust me Ill keep updating for a while. 

Thank you all so much for reading it means so much to me!!!!

If any of you guys want to help me out with a new cover that would be highly appreicated just Dm me the cover Idea! Once again thanks!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2015 ⏰

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