Breakfast With Harry. ..

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I heard Macy's alarm go off, I turned to the digital clock. It was 8:30. Harry was planning on meeting me at 9:45 I guess I had enough time to get ready. I walked over to the showers and then brushed my teeth. I still had the same feeling i had late last night, that someone was watching me. As i walked out of the bathroom Macy bumped into me.

"I was wondering where you were, you usually sleep in later. Class only starts at 12:30"

I wanted to tell her about breakfast with Harry, but I didn't want her to feel all jealous. So I just kept it to myself.

"I know. I just felt more wide awake this morning" She knew I was lying but she just played along.

"Uhh huh, okay" She walked in the bathroom and I walked back down the hall to our room. I heard footsteps behind me. I stopped walking and turned around I saw a shadow pass by, a familiar shadow from last night. Was it Harry? I shook the thought out of my mind and turned to continue walking when I bumped into someone.

"Mornin'!" A familiar jolly voice said. I knew that voice! Luke!

"Luke!" Luke was me and Macy's best guy friend back home. We were the 3 Musketeers! Or Carly, Sam, and Freddie (from ICarly) that's what everyone used to call us in highschool. I ran into his arms and he spun me around.

"Lukey! What are you doing here!"

"I finally convinced my parents to send me here! They had the money all along!"

"YAY! I can't wait to tell Macy!"

"Where is she anyway?"


"Ohh I see"

"Well I have to go get changed"

"Wanna have breakfast together?" I was about to answer but someone interrupted our conversation.

"Sorry she's already taken" It was Harry. Where did he come from?

"Excuse me? Who are you?" Luke said trying not to sound rude.

"I'm Harry. And who are you?" Now he said this being a little rude.

"I'm Luke, Janessa's best friend ever since 4th grade. How long have you known her?"

"We just met yesterday" I said interuppting their awkward conversation. I could tell they were getting off at a wrong start. Luke walked away and Harry just eyed him and looked back at me and smiled like nothing ever happened. 

"W-Where did you come from?" I asked him.

"The gym, I go there every morning"

"Well, I have to go change"

"Okay, you do that." He said, I giggled. He has a great but mysterious personality. You never know how he's going to reacct. As I was walking back to my dorm to change I still felt him eyeing me. I started speed walking, then I started jogging as I felt his glance get more intense. Then I sprinted making a turn towards the door.

--- (At breakfast)

"So what activities did you do in highschool again?" I asked Harry as he drank his tea.

"I was the captain of the football team" He replied in a deep husky voice that sent chills down my spine.

"So hot" I mumbled outloud. Damn it did i just say that outloud?!

"What?" He said with a smurk. 

"Um...the tea!" I lied.

"You didn't get tea" He said knowing that I was talking about him. His smile grew wider.

I looked like an idiot, but i reached over and took the cup out of his hands and dipped my fingers in it, "See? I was talking about your tea. So hot!"

He looked at me, then started dying of laughter. I didn't know if he was laughing at me or with me but I started laughing along too.

"Are you always this funny?" Harry said between each laugh. My cheeks turned red as I looked down and started fiddling with my fingers. He brushed my cheek with his muscular but still really soft hand. He put my loose strands of hair behind my ear. this is not happening right now. i'm freaking out! He was leaning in until one of the idiots whistled at me from the table behind. They made gestures to me that made sick and they wouldn't stop 'oohing' and whistling and making dirty remarks. I looked back at them and one of them looked me and winked. I turned back to Harry, but his facial expression completely changed.

"Harry. Just ignore them, they're idiots!" He wouldn't stop giving them the death stare and then they eventually stopped. 

"Pricks!" Harry said under his breathe. His eyes turned dark green when they are usually friendly and bright. But his skin was pale and had dark features. Features that frightened me and it wouldn't make my heart stop beating. We both paid and got up to leave. Harry was by my side until I saw one of the guys that were whistling at me running away with blood all over his face. He fell a few feet a head of me and the staff and everyone surrounded him, I pushed through. 

"Oh my god! What happened?" He was about to answer but then a shadow towered over me, Harry's shadow.

The boy trembled and mumbled quickly, "I-I J-just f-fell infront o-of something h-hard"

What really happened?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2013 ⏰

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