I Rejected The Ugly Dork But Now He's The Hot Popular Guy (Chapter 3)

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Chapter 3

I sat down at lunch by myself in a corner on an empty table with a small sandwich. Usually I would eat more but I needed to get in and out of the cafeteria as soon as possible.

Ever since I entered the damn place people had been whispering and talking whilst casting not-so-sneaky glances at me.

I don't know what the hell it was about, maybe they treated all newcomers like this. Lucky me.

I sat down next to Natasha on a table with two girls because 'Tash' said I could in math, one of the girls was blonde and very pretty and the other had black curly hair who was also very pretty, both of whom I presumed were Nikki and Natalie. But now after whatever had happened a blonde girl who I was sure was Nikki looked me up and down and said, "There's an empty table over there that we're sure would suit you better." I looked over at Natasha and she just gave me a sympathetic look away from Nikki.

And that's how I got here, sitting by myself.

I spied Adam getting up with his friends and laughing at something as they put their trays away. He caught me looking and wore that scowl again but this time I actually did see a slice of lemon in his salad, it may have been just a slice but really that does prove my theory. I scowled back at him and he looked a little affronted at first before his expression turned hostile once again.

Then he walked out of the canteen with his posse and I couldn't help but look at his behind, it's not my fault his jeans are so snug, I wondered what a handful of it would feel like - pretty good I'm guessing. Good God, two minutes in this lunch hall and I'm staring and dreaming about a guy's ass who hates me, well not his ass, Adam Taylor, I'm pretty sure his sweet little ass doesn't hate me. For Gods sake Laurel, stop it!

Whilst scolding myself for being such a pervert I was abruptly interrupted; as much to my surprise a tray plonked down beside mine.

"I worship you, rejecting Adam Taylor, I mean seriously bravo, Leanne Chou," a small Chinese girl extended her hand to me.

"Laurel Brookes," I said shaking her hand.

"I know, the whole school knows, in fact I think you may be more popular than Nikki Richards," she pondered. "Well done."

"What? What are they saying about me?" I asked confused.

It was probably Adam, I bet he was spreading lies, vicious lies.

"Nothing, just that you're the bitch who broke Adam's heart back when you were both fugly, although apparently he was just shorter and more boyish but you were just full on ugly and he just wanted to go on a date with you but you thought you were too good for him and then he left because you broke his heart and then you found out he was hot and got plastic surgery and came here," she finished. "But don't worry, it's not one of my favourite things but I'm okay with plastic surgery."

"I did not get plastic surgery!" I said loudly. I mean what a little bastard. Just like I predicted, vicious vicious lies!

"Can I see your scars? I mean do you have them or did they fade? And did you get yours boobs done too? Because all the boys are discussing that, and they apparently know breasts better so are they?" she asked genuinely.

I instantly covered my chest. "Seriously, I did not get plastic surgery!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, well that's less interesting, but then there is the other thing, but you don't look like a whore, so whatever" she explained.

"Tell me."

"Basically you said you wouldn't date him but because you felt sorry for him you would do him a couple of times to make him feel better, but of course he declined because he realised what a vile cow you were," she explained further.

"What a little lying bastard! I did not offer to do him a couple of times! I tried to apologise after he asked me out the a millionenth time and I made up some excuse and then he was practically in tears and then I ran after him but he must have ran all the way to California because I never saw him again," I said defending myself.

"Ugh see, now that is why I hate Adam Taylor, good going girl, although if I was you I would have rid myself of the freak a long time ago," Leanne laughed out loud. "Who would have thought that Adam Taylor was such a shithead? Sorry about that, is such a shithead."

I laughed with her. It felt so much better not to be the only person in this place to share that opinion.

Nikki, Natalie and Natasha walked by and dumped their trays at the tray spot and stopped at our table.

"Don't laugh, you're hated," Nikki said plainly.

"Well if that's on your judgement then I think that Laurel will take that as a compliment," Leanne replied.

"Can't Laurel talk for herself?" Natalie asked.

"Shut up," Nikki directed at her. "Can't Laurel talk for herself?" she repeated "Or has the surgery rendered her mute?" Natalie laughed and Natasha let out this hideous and desperate fake laugh whilst shooting me more sympathetic looks.

"I didn't get surgery, Adam is lying," I said through clenched teeth.

"Well it's your word over his and I don't usually tend to believe whores," Nikki stated.

"I didn't do any of the other stuff either, he's lying, he's just annoyed that I wouldn't go out with him back in Park Hill High after he asked me out over and over again and I made up an excuse because I didn't want to hurt his feelings," I explained.

"Yeah, like I said, your word over his, and I know that Natasha was stupid enough to actually say that you could come to the cheerleading tryouts, but I'm head cheerleader and your totally banned from them," Nikki said.

"Oh the pain," I said dryly.

Nikki shot me an evil glare and strutted off.

Then Natasha skipped back. "I dropped my clip," she said. She then bent down to look for it and held it up to show me. "I actually have it," she whispered loudly showing it to me. "But I just wanted to say I'm sorry about the whole Nikki thing and I don't really believe the thing about Adam and you, so yeah forgive me, maybe we can hang out sometime, like inside, like away from other people," she smiled and I smiled back.

"Natasha hurry the fuck up!" I heard Nikki screech from across the hall.

"I think that's my cue!" she whispered loudly again and ran back. "Coming Nikki!"

Leanne and I looked at each other and laughed.

"Ugh, I cannot stand Nikki," Leanne exclaimed.

"Nope, she's fine, it's Adam I hate."

"So how are you going to get back at him? Are we gonna just go for the boring way of confronting him? Or are we gonna go for some plain old sweet revenge?" she asked with a diabolical smile.

"Well I have something planned, but that's for the day after tomorrow in science," and then I explained the whole project thing. "Although I was going to make my own lipstick but I think now I'm just going to pretend I made my own lipstick and use my red Revlon Colourstay instead," I added. "It lasts for ages, so hard to get off."

"But really something must be done today," Leanne said with the touch of a psycho maniac to it which I decided to ignore.

"But of course," I replied gravely and then we both laughed and started plotting the demise of Adam Taylor. Well not literally.

** thanks a lot for reading my work, once again! i really appreciate all ten comments i got on the last chapter, they totally make my day! not to mention all the votes, however this chapter also needs votes (lol) so if you could just scroll up and click on the yellow vote thing then i would be really really grateful! also feel free to comment!

a vote i love but a comment i really really love because i get to hear what you guys think which always makes me happy so please comment!! they really do make me write the next chapter quicker!! =D **

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2009 ⏰

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I Rejected The Ugly Dork But Now He's The Hot Popular Guy (Chapter 3)Where stories live. Discover now