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Charlotte's POV

I took deep breath as I walked into my old town. Not much had changed from what I can visibly see. I looked around to see if I saw any of my old friends. No Bonnie, Elena, or Caroline in sight. Or Jeremy, Tyler, or Matt for that matter. Not any person that I know in sight.

I sighed tiredly, contemplating on giving up and going back to my hotel. I gave downtown one more quick glance before I gave up. Good thing I did or I would not have seen Jeremy outside of the Mystic Grill. I smiled in relief and started walking towards the busy restaurant. I walked in and saw Jeremy in a uniform bustling over tables.

I chuckled and shook my head amused."Hey Jeremy, do you have any idea where a girl can find her so-called best friends around here?" I asked him as soon as I approached him. I looked up and saw his face scrunch up in confusion as he tried to figure out who I was.

I smirked as his confused look changed into a bright, knowing smile."Charlotte!" he shouted as he tossed his things on the table next to us and scooped me up into a big bear hug. I laughed as he spun me around."Good to know that I was missed by someone." I said sarcastically.

"What are you doing here, Charlie?" he asked me amused by my sarcasm."What does it look like I'm doing here, Jer?" I asked him rolling my eyes."You moved back here?" he asked incredulously. I nodded happily. "For now." I added simply. "That's amazing! Have you seen Elena or Bonnie or Caroline?" he asked me."Nope you're the first person I've seen since I got in about twenty minutes ago." I told him.

"Aww, Charlie. I'm touched that you would pick me to visit first after so many years." He said mock serious."Aww, Jeremy. I'm touched that you would think that you are that high up on my list of important people." I said teasing him. He pouted at me. "I'm just kidding, Baby Gilbert." I said innocently. He scowled at my nickname for him.

"Jeremy, what are you doing standing around-" Matt started to say, but stopped as soon as he saw me."Hey, Mattie. Still as bossy as ever I see." I said sweetly to him."Charlie?" he said unsurely."The one and only." I said smiling at him."Oh my god, what are you doing here?" he asked as he came over and hugged me.

I hugged him back and smiled sadly at his question."I came over for a visit." I said half-lying."How long are you staying?" he asked me."Planning on staying until my birthday, but I'm not sure yet." I answered half-lying again."But that's like six months. You're planning on staying in a hotel for six months." Jeremy said incredulously."Yeah, so?" I asked confused as to what he was implying."You can't stay in a hotel for six months, Charlie. Not if Elena or Caroline find out." He smirked.

I gasped and narrowed my eyes. "You wouldn't." I said threateningly."You know I would." He said smirking."Jeremy, you know how I feel about these things." I whined."You'll get over it eventually." He said nonchalantly to me. "Hey Matt, I'm going to take off and bring Charlie over to Elena." Jeremy said calling over to Matt. Matt nodded over to us and Jeremy ran over to the back and quickly got out of his uniform."Okay, ready to go?" Jeremy asked me. I nodded smiling, happy to finally be able to see my best friends again.Jeremy and I hopped in his car and he drove us to his and Elena's house. We pulled up and I hopped out with Jeremy. We walked in and I saw Elena in the living room."Hey Elena, guess who I found wandering around town." Jeremy said as we walked in the living room. I smiled and waved enthusiastically."Charlie!" she shrieked at the same time I shrieked "Elena!" we hugged each other while giggling childishly."What are you doing here?" she asked happily."I came for a visit. I figured that six years was long enough for you to miss me." I said smiling jokingly."Oh my god, this is so amazing. How long are you staying?' she asked."Oh, you're going to love this answer Elena." Jeremy quipped."Zip it, Baby Gilbert." I hissed at him. He shrugged innocently."What? What's going on?" Elena asked confused."Elena, don't freak out okay?" I told her."Freak out?" she asked confused. "Charlie, what's going on?" she asked suspiciously."Okay, okay. So like I said don't freak out, but I'm staying here for six months." I said to her."Okay, so why would I freak out over that?" she asked confused."I just might be staying in a hotel for said six months, but it's no big deal." I said quickly hopping she didn't catch that last part."What?" she said incredulously."Lena, I told you not to freak out." I whined uncharacteristically."Char, how can I not freak out? You are planning on staying in a over priced hotel instead at a free friends house." She said trying to reason with me."Yeah, I know. But you know how I hate to burden people." I said unceremoniously sitting on the couch."Well, don't worry, Char. I'll find some place for you to stay while you are here." She said confidently."Lena,-" I started but her look cut me off. I cringed at her motherly glare."Fine, Elena." I said defeated."Great! Now let's meet Caroline and Bonnie at Stefan's house." She said standing up."Who's Stefan?" I asked smirking curiously."He's Elena's boyfriend." Jeremy answered waggling his eyebrows at her. I raised my eyebrows and smirked at her."Yeah, so he's my boyfriend. Not a big deal." She said looking down and blushing."Aww, my little Lena is growing up." I said mock sadly."Come on Charlie. You can be the one to explain to Caroline why we are late." Elena huffed and grabbed her car keys."Fine, then. Ruin a perfectly good moment, Elena." I said sarcastically as I tugged Jeremy to the car with me.It took about five minutes to get to this 'Stefan's' house. My eyes widened as we rounded the corner. His house was huge. Damn."Like it?" Jeremy whispered to me from the back seat."Try love it, Jer." I whispered back. "And it's only Stefan that lives here?" I asked as we got out of the car."No, his older brother Damon lives here too." Jeremy answered. I nodded. We started walking towards the house and I started getting a nervous feeling in my stomach. I always hated to meet new people. I started fidgeting and Jeremy just happened to notice."Nervous?" he asked amsued as Elena opened the door and walked in with Jeremy and I trailing behind."No." I said confidently."Sure, you might want to tell you hands that though." He teased me. I elbowed him in the stomach and stopped fidgeting. I rounded the corner into what I'm guessing is the living room. I broke into a bright smile when I saw Bonnie and Caroline."Charlie!" they screeched and ran toward me. "Bonnie! Caroline!" I screeched back and met them halfway. We were hugging and squealing. We broke apart smiling like crazy. I looked around and saw that Stefan and his brother standing looking at us."Hi I'm Charlotte, but you can call me Charlie." I said sticking my hand out to the brother with the longish black hair and striking blue eyes. He'scute. He looked at my hand with a disgusted look on his face. Um...okay.I took my hand back and scowled at his rudeness. The other cleared his throat and I turned towards him. He stuck out his hand for me to shake. Hope this one isStefan. I smiled at him shook his hand."Sorry about my brother. I'm Stefan Salvatore and that's my brother Damon." He said smiling ashamed."Nice to meet you Stefan. " I said smiling in relief that this was Elena's boyfriend. I smiled approvingly in Elena's direction. She nodded happily and went over to Stefan."So what are you doing here?" Caroline asked breaking the awkward tension."I'm visiting for a while." I said vaguely."How long?" Bonnie asked."Around six months." I said happily."And where are you staying for those six months?" Elena pointed out."In a hotel." I said finally."A hotel?" Caroline and Bonnie shouted."Yes, a hotel. You three will just have to get over it." I said narrowing my eyes at Jeremy. Jeremy snorted.This is entirely hisfault."I already told you I will have it covered by the end of the day." Elena assured us."Well, whatever. Elena can handle that, while Bonnie and I plan a welcome back party for you." Caroline said happily. My eyes widened in horror. I heard Jeremy start laughing."No, no, no. That's quite alright, Caroline. I don't need a party. You can just spread the word that I'm back in town." I assured her. Jeremy was full blown laughing by now. I glared at him and slapped him upside the head again. He whined in pain."Don't worry, Charlie. I'll handle everything, even your outfit. You don't have to do a thing, but show up." Caroline said squealing as she ran out the door with her phone in hand. I groaned and slapped Jeremy upside the head again for laughing at me."Bonnie, tell her to stop hitting me." He whined to her. She came over sat on the other arm of the chair. Jeremy put his arm around her waist and smirked at me."What is Bonnie going to do?" I snorted."She's my girlfriend now. She can do a lot." He said sticking his tongue out at me."When did that happen?" I asked astonished."A while ago." Jeremy said vaguely."Thanks for the mountains of details, Jeremy." I said sarcastically."Your welcome." He said cheekily."What else have I missed in the last six years?" I asked them."Trust me you don't want to know." Damon spoke up for the first time since I got here."Trust me I want to know." I snapped back at him."Ooh, kitty can scratch." He said taunted smirking at me."Ooh, puppy can't bark." I taunted back. Damon smirked fell and he glared at me darkly. I smirked at him."Okay, well then. Let's go and get your bags from the hotel and put them at my house until I figured out whose house you're staying at, shall we?" Elena said breaking up our argument."Always the peacemaker, aren't you Lena?" I teased her playfully. She smiled while laughing and breaking away from Stefan."Come on, Jeremy." I said to him while ripping him away from Bonnie, not really giving him a choice to say no."Why am I always being dragged around like your doll?" he whined as we walked out of the house with Elena trailing behind us."Because you're Jeremy and you love me." I said smiling sweetly at him."And who said that I love you?" he snorted."Oh, please Jeremy. Don't think I didn't know about that crush you had on me before I left." I said smirking at him as we got to the car."What? Who told you about that?" he exclaimed while turning red."You just did." I said giggling at him."Whatever." He grumbled as he got in the backseat as Elena was opening the drivers door."It's good to be back." I said happily as I got into the car.Elena, Jeremy, and I made it back to the little hotel just outside of Mystic Falls after a bit of a drive."You were planning on staying this far out of town?" Elena exclaimed as she surveyed the area."I was planning on it, but Jeremy decided to run his mouth and now I have to stay at someone's house." I said shooting a glare at Jeremy who shrugged in response."Whatever, let's just go get her bags." Jeremy said as we got out of the car."You two go ahead. I'll be there in a second." Elena said while taking out her phone."Okay, come on Jer." I told him as we walked to my room.

Damon's POV

I was lounging on the couch sipping my daily dose of blood when Elena called Stefan's cell phone. And me, being the considerate brother that I am, I listened in on the conversation."Hey Stefan can you do me a huge favor?" She asked him."Of course, Elena. Anything." Stefan said."I need Charlie to stay with you while she is visiting." Elena said desperately. I froze. Hell no!"I don't know, Elena. You saw how Damon was towards her." Stefan said unsurely. You tell her Stefan."Please, Stefan. I wouldn't ask if I didn't have to. She doesn't have anywhere else to go. She can't stay with any of us because there's no space. And I'm at the hotel waiting for her and Jeremy to get her things and she's really out here." Elena pleaded. Stefan sighed defeated.He'll give in, he always does."Alright, Elena. But you have to find a piece of jewelry to put vervain in. Just to be on the safe side." Stefan said giving in. Called it!"Really? Thank you so much, Stefan. You don't know how much this means to me." Elena said in relief. I rolled my eyes."Lena? You're still in the car! So much for meeting us in there." Her voice said through the phone."Sorry, Char. I was talking with Stefan." Elena said apologizing."Not a problem, Lena. I know how you can be when you are talking with your boyfriends." Charlotte said teasing her. I chuckled at her choice of words."Okay, I have to go I'll see you later Stefan." Elena said flustered and hung up. You knowthisarrangement could actuallyhave it's perks. I smirked at that thought."You heard that didn't you?" Stefan asked as he walked in the room."Down to the flustered goodbye." I said smirking."Don't do anything, Damon. This is one of Elena's oldest friends." Stefan said sternly."Who ever said I was going to do anything." I said smirking."Nobody has to say anything, Damon. I know you." Stefan said to me."Look, brother, I promise I won't do anything that she doesn't want me to do." I said to him and smirked when he grew angrier. "Kidding, kidding. You need to learn to take a joke, bro." I said as I made my way up stairs."I'm serious, Damon." He said sternly."Me too, bro. Me too." I said as I continued to walk upstairs knowing he could still hear me.

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