Chapter 14

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Harry got into bed with me and pulled me close. I felt safe in his arms. I rested my head on his chest and put his arms around me. I felt him move my hair out of his face and he started stroking it. I felt my eyes get heavy and I found myself moving into a deep sleep.

I awoke from the sound of a huge bang of a door closing, Harry wasn't with me any more. I checked the clock for the time. 3.30 am. What on earth was going on? 

I got out of the bed and headed in to the hallway. "Harry?" I said worriedly. I walked forward and into the front room, I saw a figure leaning against the wall. I moved closer and was able to just and so make out some curls on the top of his head. The only light in the room was from the moon outside. Harry was holding his side and I walked over to him.

"What the hell are you doing?!" He didn't answer me. I walked over to turn the lamp on. 

"No" He said sternly, which made me jump. 

I walked back over to him and took hold of his hands. I walked him over to the light from the moon and put my hand over my mouth in shock. 

He was covered in blood and bruises. Who the hell had marked his beautiful skin. I touched his arm and he flinched.

"H-Harry" I gulped. "Who did this too you?" 

He shook his head. He then bit his lip and looked at the floor. I heard him wince in pain. I didn't know what to do, I had never been in this sort of situation before. 

I decided to go and turn the lamp on so I could clean him up. 

I walked back over to it and again he said "No Liv". I ignored him and turned it on anyway. I heard him curse under his breath as I walked into the kitchen. 

His kitchen was big. It was nice too, he had black cabinets and surface and it looked new. I looked in his freezer for some ice but unfortunately didn't find any so I grabbed the frozen peas instead. I walked over to his kitchen draws trying to find a towel to wrap these peas up in. When I found a blue one, I walked back over the sink and took hold of a cloth and dampened it. 

I walked back through to the living room to see him slumped on the sofa. He looked worse in the light.

"Ow!" Harry yelled.

"Just hold still, will you" I said to him. 

I was trying to wipe the blood away from his open wounds just under his eye. Why did he have to get himself into things like this?

 I gave him the peas to hold on his side as that seemed to be the most painful place.

"What happened? Why did you leave?" I said to him. 

Worried about what his reply would be.

"I had to go and meet the boys to talk about something with them" 

"Talk about what?" I asked concerned.

"Doesn't matter" he carried on "but I bumped into James".

Who the hell was James? I think he gathered by the look on my face I didn't know who that was.

"James, is good friends with Calvin, they're-" He stopped himself.

"They're what?" 

He looked away from me and down to his knees. I lifted his head back up so I could get to his wounds.

"They're in a gang. They all stick by each other" he said quietly.

"Like you and all your boys?" I asked him, hoping he would tell me the truth. 

He sighed. "Yes, like me and my boys" He still wasn't telling me so I decided to come right out and say it.

"You're in a gang aren't you Harry?" He looked at me and looked away. He nodded. 

"Why?" I asked. I think he was expecting more of a reaction out of me. He coughed and ignored my question and proceeded telling me about what had happened.

"So when I got down there, the lads told me that Calvin had sent people out looking for me". I stared at him to carry on.

"So when I was on my way home, I saw James" 

"The one that done this?" I asked. He nodded and swallowed.

"Yes, the one..But anyway, I knew that Calvin's gang was getting stronger and bigger as the amount of people adding to it. People are even making new gangs just to try and fight me and the lads. Lets just say we aren't popular with a lot of people". 

I was trying to take this all in. I can't believe I had gotten myself caught up in something so dangerous. I continued to dab Harry's wounds as he spoke.

"James is really strong" Harry said.

I nodded and he scrunched his face up in pain.

"So when he hit me the first time, I was on the ground. He just didn't stop" he said breathlessly.

I closed my eyes trying to block out the images of Harry, helpless and in pain.

"I couldn't fight back as he had already got the better of me" he said looking disappointed. 

I grabbed hold of his hand and gave him a small smile, showing that I understood.

"But I'll get him back" Harry said seriously. 

I pulled my hand away from his and smile dropped from my face. Was he stupid? He just got the shit beat out of him and he's going to go back for more?

"Harry, I don't think-" He cut me off.

"No, you don't understand. We're in too deep now. There's no way out"

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