Chapter 32

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Harry's POV

I couldn't let Olivia know I was doing this. She would tell me it was over for good. I decided that me and they boys needed to let Calvin know who's the stronger gang. 

I know I promised Olivia I would try and stay out of trouble and I really wanted to, but I just couldn't I'd been fixed in this way for far too long now and there was no way of turning back.

"Right lad's, we'll go into that club that Calvin and James are always at..What it called?" Zayn said, trying to remember the name.

"Cool Ice?" Niall questioned. Zayn clicked his fingers and nodded. 

"Yeah, that's it. Thanks buddy" He said patting Niall on the back. 

"We'll go there and wait for them to come in when they do one of us will go over and ask them for it all to end that we don't want to fight any more" We all looked at him confused. 

"What?" I said. 

Before I could continue Zayn stopped me.

"This will make them think we're not after them" he said nodding.

"Ahhhh" Liam said. "I understand you now"

"So when one of us does that do we all go wait outside for them?" Louis asked confused.

"No, we sit down and act like we're just having a couple of drinks with each other. Then because they're not watching their backs any more, they'll eventually leave with out their guard up-"

"So then we can leave right after them and get them" I said.

"Exactly" Zayn said with a smile and leaned back on my sofa.

"So, we fight them? or we just follow them?" Niall said confused. 

He was always getting confused. We all laughed at him and he still didn't understand.

"Just go with the flow buddy" Zayn said giving him a nudge on the arm. Niall nodded.

"So when do we go down?" Louis asked Zayn.

"Well its half five now, so we'll wait till eight. To make sure he's there when we arrive" 

"Yeah" I started "best to get there before them so nothing starts outside". All the lads nodded in agreement. Niall got up and went into my kitchen and opened the fridge.

"Haz, you have fuck all in this kitchen" he said.

"I'm starving!" Niall was always hungry, he never stopped we didn't know where he put it.

There was a knock at the door when Niall was about to come and sit back down with a packet of biscuits he'd found from god knows how long ago.

"I'll get it!" He called with a mouthful biscuit. 

"Haz" Niall said, I turned around and Niall shot me a look.

It was Olivia. Shit. How were we going to go out without her wanting to come along? Maybe I could persuade her to go early. We still had a couple of hours left.

It got to half seven and Olivia was still here chatting with the boys. Not that I minded but I had things to deal with. 

Zayn kept looking at me desperately. I just kept shrugging I didn't know what to do. As I sat there with my arm around my beautiful girlfriend, guilt started to creep in.

I watched her talking and laughing with my friends and memories flashed back about how I promised her I wouldn't get into any more trouble. I bit my lip and looked down.

"What's wrong?" She said to me gripping my hand.

"Nothing" I said to her smiling. She smiled and back and carried on her conversation. 

What the hell was I going too do?

It hit eight and I looked at the boys. They were all being polite and nodding and commenting on things Olivia was saying.

"Liv, we're going out now, so I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Louis shot me a smile.

But Olivia gave me a weird look.

"Why? Where are you going?" She asked me with a concerned face. I knew she knew this wasn't like me.

"Erm..Just out with the lads" I answered her not looking her in the eye. She stood up in front of me and folded her arms.

"Yes, but where?" She insisted. I sat there looking at the floor not knowing what to say to her.

"Harry!" she said impatiently. 

"Just to the clubs" I answered her.

"I'm coming with you" she said. Knowing I wouldn't win this argument I looked at the lads to back me up. 

"Look Liv, I don't think you'd like it" Liam said walking up to her. He placed his hand on her arm, so she would turn to face him. This annoyed me a little but I let it slide as he was a good mate of mine.

"I'm pretty sure I will" she said with no emotion in her voice.

I sighed. There was no way we were getting out of this one. I shrugged to the lads.

"Come on then" I said and we all headed out the door.

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