chapter 6

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Chapter 6. One year later. 26th May 2001

It was 4 days before my 15th birthday and I was in church with Sky because Jade was feeling too lazy to come. After service I felt so close to God it was unbelievable a feeling of being whole. I could tell Sky felt it too because there was a Godly silence between us. I knew that I did things that in the eyes of God were bad but I was really trying hard to change. "I should do this more often" she said. "What run?" "Hell no ha-ha do I want to die young. No I mean go to church." "Yeah you can feel it cant you." "Yeah I can." We discussed the bible for the duration of the trip. Then something really strange happened. I was sure I saw a ghost. I was very sure I saw my granddad. But he was dead. I chose not to mention this to Sky but made a mental note in my head to tell my mum. This was a strange day. I really felt so strange it was unbelievable. "You okay Ray?" Sky asked. I nodded. "What's wrong she asked?" "Nothing just thinking about tomorrow." "Your birthday!" she said excited. "Someone is finally 15."

We both laughed.

"What you gonna do for it?" "It's a school day." I said sadly. "And De-Andre is back in America. I dunna why he keeps going back and forth." "Cum'on you know we got family there man!" "I know." I laughed. "I'm just tryna get mad at him."

My phone started ringing. It was the mum. "Hello?" "Did you go to church?" "Yes I did." "You are going to school tomorrow. Have you ironed you clothes?" My jaw dropped. "Um No." "Well you are going to have to." "When I have the...Yes I am." I had just clocked what I was about to say to her. "Okay I am on my way. I am 15minutes away from the house." "Ok bye." I cut the phone. "Sky I have to go home. Could you tell Dwayne I said I'll see him in school tomorrow". "Awww why?" "My mum just called." She laughed. "I was wondering why you were so polite."

We went our separate ways and I got home.

"Hi mum!" "Hmm hi. Ey! Your Geography teacher called me on Friday. Where is your work? All the computer, phone and going out. You do not work.-" "I've done it I done it on the Friday he called you." "O I see hand it in on Monday." In my head I was asking myself. When else am I gonna hand it in. What a fucking stupid statement. "Okay." "I came to get some clothes. Your dad will be back in a month he decided to stay longer. Your uncle is coming to pick me up in half an hour." My dad was in Ghana. "Which one?" "The one with the pig nose." "MUM!" I started laughing. This woman was so rude. "That's rude." "It is the truth." This woman was hilarious. After half an hour she was gone. Then my belly started hurting. I quickly went upstairs to confirm. "Jade I'm on my reds." "O shit your pissed." "Go without me yeah you know how dangerous it gets." She started laughing. "Okay." "You fucker. I thought you would stay with me."

We were meant to be going to the cinema.

"Hell no. Me and my man got plans." "Yea plans to FUCK! Bitch! Nah nah you can go still just get me my remote." "Bye wifey." "Bitch. Luv Ya."

About 15minutes later I heard the door bell ring. I was finding it hard to get up so I shouted at the door. "Jade you fucking prick you know the key is under the bin." I was sure she got the message because the front door opened. "Jade could you get me some water I'm dying. I can't even move." The footsteps were not leading to the kitchen but the living room. "Are you fucking deaf Jade man." The door opened. It wasn't Jade.

"How did you get here?" "You told me to take the keys." My jaw had dropped for like the millionth time. "Price? What the fuck are you doing here?" "Jade told me of you misfortune and I came to comfort you." He smiled.

Price was my 'older'. We grew up together and he also did some time in jail with my older cousin so we were tight. He was 18, 3years older than I was. I turned of the TV. "Okay carry me to my room." "Demanding Chick." "I'm not!" "You are." "No I'm not. Ey watch my head. Open the door then. What are you waiting for?"

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