Bye Again

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Chapter 7.

June 2001

The year was nearly over and I had a lot of outstanding coursework to do before yr11 and I had to avoid distractions. De-Andre. I was missing him but my education had to come first. It was very hard. My mum and dad were now back home and I think they noticed me working hard because they asked me to go out for a break. I just kept working throughout the week. Even teachers were impressed I also noticed my work was improving. I was proud of me. Go Rayne. It was Friday night and everyone was sleeping except me. I had just finished my History coursework. Never had I felt so much relief. It was finally over. My phone started ringing. It was on withheld. I thought about it then picked up.

"Baby I missed you." A smile crept up on my face.

"Hi... I missed you too."

"I ain't seen you in a bit and I really wanted to hear your sexy voice. Where you sleeping?"

"Nope I just finished my history work."

"At 2 o'clock in the morning?"


"Baby wot chu wearing?"



"Well I'm wearing a skirt and a top."

"How short is the skirt?"

"De- am I thinking your thinking what your thinking?"

"What am I thinking?"

"Hell no we are not going to have phone sex. No De- No." He laughed really hard.

"Can I come over?"

"No of course not my mum and dad are sleeping."

"Okay I'll come if you promise not to scream." My jaw dropped.

"You must think your funny."

"I am."

"Is it. So you don't wanna know that I'm wearing a red thong and my pussy's wet cuz of your voice." The phone was silent for a moment.

"Rayne couldn't you just sneak out."

"Nope. Hmm I can just imagine it."

"Imagine what."

"You in me."

His voice started going hoarse.

"What does me in you feel like baby?"


"Rayne where are your hands."

"On my legs."

"Rayne tomorrow I'm gonna have you begging for mercy." That just did it. I started fingering myself while he was talking.

"I'll fuck you real hard baby...then your gonna ride this dick."

"Hmmmm Uh...Yeaa."

"Rayne where are your fingers."

"Where yours are supposed to be."

"O baby. Imma rip yo shit apart tomorrow."

"Oooo Yeah baby."

I was about to cum.

"Baby how many fingers you got in there?"


"Can you make it two?"

"Uh Uh Yeaa. De- I'm gonna ..." I was breathing bare hard.

"You still there baby?"

"Yes... I have never ever done this before...O my Word... I can't even breathe properly."

"You sound sexy on the phone." I smiled as though he could see me.

"De I wanna see you now."

"Just sleep a few more hours. I'll come pick you up to a secret location."

"Ooo When?"

"You have to give me the time and place."

"Now, my house." He sighed.

"I can't because of your folks." I heard my parent's bedroom door open. I started whispering.

"De- I have to go my mums awake. I'll call you when I can. Bye I love you."

"I need you." He was so sweet and what made me more attracted to him was the fact that he wasn't afraid to let me know how me felt. He was so open it was amazing to me.

"Bye De." I cut the phone. Now I wanted to be with him in the worst way. I went to the bathroom to wash my hands.


"Yes mum."

"Have you finished your work?"

"Yeah I'm going to bed now." After washing my hands I brushed my teeth and got into my bed and slept.

The smell of food woke me. I could smell it. I knew I could smell it. I knew what it was. She did! I quickly got up to brush my teeth and made my way downstairs.

"Mum! You cooked it?"


"Hi dad."

"Hello young lady. I'm going to Tony's house would you like anything?"

Tony was my dad's friend. He had so many things in his house you would think he was a shop owner. I needed headphones.

"Nokia headphones. The pointy ones."

"Okay bye."

My concentration went back to tthe food. As an African. No as a Ghanaian when you smelt this smell it was a good sign. Jellof rice. The taste of this cannot be explained to anyone unless it is eaten. It was too choong. When I die I wanted it to be buried with me.

"Rayne your phone is ringing."

I quickly run back up the stairs. Withheld. This time I knew for sure it was De-Andre.


"Hello baby, I'm so sorry but could we rearrange today. Something very important came up."

I could hear announcements in the background.

"Hold up. Wait a second. Are you in an airport or am I hallucinating. Please tell me I'm hallucinating. I must be. De-Andre!"

There was a long silence.

"Yes... I'm going back to America for a couple of weeks. Someone very important to me is ill. I can't explain at the moment." I was gobsmacked.

"Erm so how long are you planning to stay for?"

"Until she gets better."

"Hmm whatever innit. Good luck and safe journey. By-."

"No Rayne wait... I love you... and I know you must feel I'm an asshole for dropping this on you. I'm sorry I love you."

"Yea I love you too. Bye. I'm gonna miss you."

"Yeah me too baby." I cut the phone. I was pissed because the person was a girl. I couldn't even be bothered to eat no more. I suddenly went into depressed mode. This was now increasingly frustrating me. Then the memories of the phone call of the phone call I'd overheard over a year before came running back.

"O no...what if it's her." Again I found myself doubting his intentions. I started coughing and that was it. I felt dizzy had the most horrific painful headache and I dropped. All I remembered was the sound of sirens and my mum calling my name.

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