Chapter 1: Oh Héll No!

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Chapter 1


My parents meant everything to me but when they were killed in the rogue attack I was depressed for a while but that didn't stop the pack from blaming me. My name is Jade Williams and I'm the daughter of Rose and Jacob Williams my father was beta of Blue Blood Moon pack when my parents died my brothers blamed me because I was there but I couldn't do anything to save them they told me to run and I did and I regret that decision. I was never one to listen to authority and I went out into the woods but then I heard rouges attacking my parents so I ran to them but they ended up rescuing me so everyone hates me for the deaths of my parents my brothers don't like me and blame me for the death of our parents but I believe that they are alive their body's were never found I pray to the moon goddess that they are alive.

"Jade GET YOUR A$$ DOWN HERE NOW!!!" that seems to be our alpha who just can't get a clue he and his friends are my own personel héll they don't like me and they blame me for my parents deaths and they say I should give up on hope of my parents being alive but that will never happen I will find them no matter what, even if I find out they are dead but right now my hope is that they are alive and we will see each other again I only hope that they are together and are away from danger.

Don't get me wrong I love being in a pack just not this one any ways the other thing I want more than anything is to find my mate my other half I just hope he is in another pack, because my pack is not all it's cracked up to be. One day I will leave this place and never look back.


"Looks like the B*TCH needs a lesson in manners" said my nice tormentor Alpha Chad Blood who is the pain in my a** can't wait to get out of here and find my parents. I record everything these people also known as my pack do to me. I know what your thinking why? Well to keep from crying out I just record and for some reason I feel better but I'm still leaving this place hopefully sooner rather than later.

This pack can be thoughtful but not to me they think they are above me that I am nothing but dirt. I will show them that I am better than they are not to mention a better fighter. I look up to the a** in front of me with a glare just thinking about what I can do to him and the best way to get my revenge on them all. The door bursts open and in walks my brothers you would think I would be happy to see them but no they are here to watch the show. My 3 brothers let me introduce you to them first is Jake and he is 23 and the beta of the pack then theres Josh who is 21 then theres John who is also 21 just like his twin Josh. My brothers who could care less about me just came to watch the show isn't life grand....

_________2 Hours Later__________

Well this is just great to lay here while these jerks enjoy watching me in pain or so they think. You see heres the thing about me I am very powerful nobody knows my secret they have to be trust worthy for me to tell them. I have many gifts or powers one of my powers is I can tell when someone is lying to me by looking at their aura which is also how I can see who is good and who is bad I want to find my parents and go find my mate. They have to be alive they are the only two out three of the only family I have now because I have no brothers anymore I just hope they will understand that I don't want them as my brothers after what they've done and when the truth of that day comes to the light of day they will all be begging for my forgiveness but I won't forgive any of them not even my so called brothers and one last thing my parents were trying to protect my sister when I came running to them and they told me to get her out of there and to protect her so I did and I still protect my sister and no no one knew she was there and I'm going to keep it that way.

My sister's name is Jasmine Williams and she is 17 she loves me and I tell her to follow what the crowd but she refuses to hit me or call me names she is the best sister. Well back to me I'm 20 and should have found my mate by now but thank the goddess his not in this pack when I leave I might take Jasmine with me only if she wants to come. My brothers have not found their mates yet but they are going to another pack to search and lucky me gets to be the maid or rather slave. They will regret this one day and it will be soon we're going to the biggest and most dangerous pack in North America they say that the Alpha is mean and cruel, they say it's because he has yet to find his mate. He is 25 and from what I hear he is the most hottest Alpha that ever walk this earth can't wait to see for myself.

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