~Chapter nineteen~ Warning: Heartbreak may lead to collapsing

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This is all in Angel's POV. Next chapter will most likely have Annabel in it. Sorry for the delay! (:





As soon as I was finished talking to Annabel, we were off. There was no time to waste. I didn't trust Carlos with her any longer than necessary. I swear if he so much as touches her, I'll...

'Rizoel! We're here.' Chapin mind linked me.

We didn't want to attract any unwanted attention. I focused on the gates of hell and planned out how we were going to get into the castle without getting caught. I knew for a fact that the whole place was heavily guarded. There was no easy way in. Or so we thought.

"Rizoel! How very nice to see you again." I turned to the sound of a familiar voice and my eyes widened.

No. It couldn't be. He died awhile ago.

"Lakin... But. How?" I was at a loss for words.

"Let's just say going to hell has its perks. You didn't think you'd get rid of me that easily, did you?" He smirked and we soon had everyone's attention.

"Lakin!" Chapin ran and jumped into his arms.

There goes our whole "keeping noise to a minimum" idea.

I didn't need to look to see that Cilix was about to flip his lid. Angels can be very territorial.

"Now, now. Back off dear. I don't want your friend to blow a fuse over there." Chapin sighed and made her way back to Cilix.

As soon as she got to him, he grabbed her and held her close. He visibly relaxed once they were together again. I suppose that's how I'll be once I have Annabel in my arms.

"How did you manage to live here? I would have died of heat stroke by now!" Chapin's eyes widened slightly and Lakin chuckled.

I admit, it's pretty hot down here. But we're in hell. That would make perfect sense.

"Remember how I used to be an angel? Well, when the demons sent me here, they forgot one little thing. I'm virtually indestructible. God made me your protector for a reason. I'm just sorry I couldn't be there..." His eyes turned a slight red color before going back to their normal brown.

Let me back up. When me and the others came to live on Earth, Lakin was assigned to protect us. We were too young to be on our own, and Barrattiel was merely there to support us. She wasn't much of a protection per say, so Lakin was always on the lookout for danger. When Lakin tried to stop the car crash of Annabel's parents, the demons that conspired it were too strong and sent him straight to hell. He was stripped of his wings and doomed for eternity here.

But God told me before that the prophecy will fix everything that has happened. I just hope he knows what he's talking about.

"So you both found your mates, I see." I tense up at the word mate.

"How did you know?" Chapin said sarcastically and eyed Cilix who tried to inconspicuously pull her closer.

"Lucky guess." Lakin smirked but when his eyes landed on me he looked sad.

"She's inside isn't she? That's the only reason you're here I presume." I looked down and cursed the world at this moment.

"Yes. We need to get her back. Soon." Chapin accented the last word and glanced at me.

I knew she was worried about me. They all were. But I was perfectly fine. As long as nothing happens to Annabel. If she gets hurt, I'll feel it too. That's not something I'm looking forward to at all. I not only have to make sure Annabel doesn't get hurt, but I have to make sure I don't get hurt either. So in general, we have to work as a team. Forever.

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