Cake, Ice cream, and Apologies

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Every Saturday, as a favor to my aunt, I worked in her small café that's located in the center of town. Because of it's location, the café is extremely popular with all ages. From young to middle aged business men and woman ordering black coffees, students longing for the sweet warmth of hot chocolate, and even kids who beg their parents to buy our many flavors of ice cream. Most of the time it was great working in here and I absolutely adored my aunt so what's not to love about this job?

"I'll have a water please." Candice said while chomping on some pink bubble gum. "No ice." She blew a bubble almost as big as her face and burst it right next to my ear. I gritted my teeth while her followers laughed like a group of witches huddled around watching their leader take down their next victim. Well hate to ruin it for you Candice but I am no victim.

"My my my Candice, I'm not surprised you need that water, have you been blowing a lot lately? Oh you must be, I'll go fetch you that water right away!"

Candice's face went beet root red and her friends had to physically force themselves not laugh. Victory is sweet. And so is cake.

"Hands off." My aunt said sternly while adding the last few decorations on a wedding cake she was working on. As strange as it sounds, here at the café, my aunt made all kinds of cakes. People in Green Valley loved her cakes so much they would drive out of their way just so they could get one of her delicious cakes before they were all sold for the day. And I was no exception.

"Penny you can't just leave cream filled cakes in front of me like this and not allow me to eat at least half of them."

My aunt rolled her eyes. She was a lot younger than my mom, at least a 10 year age difference, so aunt Penny was more like an older sister to me than an aunt. "If I give you one will you shut up?"

"I won't open my mouth for the day. Unless I'm eating more of your cakes." I smiled sweetly.

Penny sent me a look but sighed in defeat. "Go ahead."

I squealed with delight and shoveled the cake into my mouth. "Best. Cakes. Ever." I said with a mouthful.

Penny smiled. "You know Richard thinks I have magic fingers-"

"I don't need to know those kind of details Penny.."

She shot me an 'Ew gross' look. "You know what I mean, you perverted child."

I laughed while licking the remainder of sugar and honey off my fingers. "You do have magic fingers Pen, cause these cakes are finger licking good."

"This isn't KFC." Penny said with her persistent eye rolls.

"How long does it take to get some god damn water in this place?"

I could hear Candice's screams of annoyance from the kitchen and swore under my breath. The cakes were so good I had completely forgotten all about Candice's water. The only thing that was on my mind was how many cakes I could squeeze into my stomach.

"I'm sorry for the delay," I said while handing Candice her water, "I was climbing a mountain to get you the freshest water to clean out that mouth of yours."

Candice sent me a look that could kill. I just shrugged and handed her friends their orders of strawberry milkshakes. For some reason, one of them looked vaguely familiar. "Freaks like you stay behind the counter and serve people like us for a reason. And that reason is to keep you away from us popular, pretty people. So go scoot behind that counter where you belong." She waggled her fingers at me, and sent me a sickly sweet smile.

I breathed in through my nose and out through my mouth to calm me down. I would not attack her in my aunts café, no walk away Lilly, you are totally calm right now.

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