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"So, Chaol, where did you get that pan from, exactly?" Dorian asked as they hauled Rowan's unconscious body into the back of the car. Dorian grinned as Chaol chuckled, which was something he had not done in a while. Gods, he could not remember  have last time he and Dorian had talked like this.
Chaol then explained how he had gotten ahold of the pan to Dorian and Celaena as they climbed back into their seats in the car.
"It was in  the backseat of someone's car when I went to snatch it up, and a woman came over to me and said, 'Fifty dollars, sir'. I was frustrated and... Knocked her out also." His cheeks flushed red.
"Chaol!" Celaena gasped, but then started laughing hysterically.
"You actually knocked an innocent woman out? You sound like a madman!" Celaena returned to her laughing fit and Dorian started laughing, too.
"You're calling me a madman, little miss assassin?"
"I prefer madwoman, thank you very much."
"Whatever." Chaol let Celaena have this one. He stole a glance into her turquoise eyes that seemed to shine even brighter with her smile. How much he missed her eyes... She returned his stare but quickly glanced away to Dorian, who was typing something on his phone.
"So, who wants to start driving before Mr.-I-Hate-Music wakes up?" Celaena asked, propping her feet up on the dashboard and pulling a book out of her purse. Chaol glanced at Dorian, who was still engrossed in his phone. Celaena flipped to a page in her book and sank into a world of Wyrd-knows-what.
"Oh, uhhh..." Dorian finally looked up from his phone. "What was the question, again?"
"Dorian, what are you doing?" Chaol looked curiously at Dorians phone.
"Umm... Hayday?" Dorian grinned sheepishly. Celaena snorted in her seat, apparently still listening.
"Get in the front seat, Dorian!" Dorian scrambled out of his seat, still sheepishly red in the face, and took the wheel.
"Everybody buckled?" Dorian checked his seatbelt and peeled out of the gas station so fast that Celaena's head banged against the window and Chaol slammed into Celaena's seat in front of him and let out a curse.
"Could you go any faster, Dorian?" Celaena grumbled, rubbing a hand on her right cheek. "I mean, it's not like there's a speed limit or something."
"SSSHHH!" Dorian yelled, and gripped the steering wheel so hard his hands turned white. His eyes focused on the road as he slowed his speed down to a reasonable number. Chaol put his earbuds in and switched on some of his music.
Celaena propped her feet back on the dashboard and returned back to her book. She tried to focus on the words, but was difficult because of all the swerves and stops the car was making.
"Dorian, did you pass your driver's test?" Celaena put her book down and turned to Dorian, who barely missed a car turning in front of them before slamming on the brakes. A thump sounded from the back.
"Nope." He grinned so wildly that it made Celaena look like a nice guy.
"Then why are you driving?" Celaena's eyes narrowed, but a smile still covered her face.
"Because, why not?" He looked at Celaena of a second before Chaol snapped, "Dorian!"

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