Broken heart and jealousy

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Requested by @niallsguitar93

Your P.O.V

"Princess, you are so beautiful." Niall says to you as you make out with you under him.

You just giggled and continued to kiss him, after awhile of you kissing, you were interrupted by the doorbell going off.

"Maybe if we're quite the person will go away?" Niall suggested, whispering.

"No, Ni. We can do this later. I'd feel bad." You whined, getting out from under him and over to the door.

Niall knew you so he gave in and walked to the door with you. You opened the front door to see a sad looking Liam.

"Liam!" You and Niall exclaimed at the same time.

"Liam, lad are you okay?" Niall asked, as he pulled him in though the front door.

"H/G/F/N broke up with me." He sobbed.

"Oh, Liam! I'm so sorry! It her loss." You sighed, bring him into a long lasting hug.

"I...I don't know what went wrong, I thought we were doing fine but she just broke up with me." He said, no talking to anyone exactly.

"Oh, Li! Well you can stay here until you feel better." You stated and Niall nodding his head in agreement. You grabbing him by the arm and guiding him to the guest bedroom.

"Okay, you left some clothes here the last time you spent the night so I'm going to go get those for you." You told him, leaving the room and getting the clothes.

"Here you go Liam. You go ahead and change, I'll be in the living room if you need anything." You reassured.

He told you thank you and you left to the room, you walked into the living room to where Niall sat.

"Hey, babe. It's very nice of you to do that for Li, taken care of him and all...." He said, pulling you into his lap.

"It's the least I could do, he's always been there for us, I couldn't just let him go through this break up alone." You sighed, laying you head on his chest.

~2 days later~

"Y/N, how bout we go on a date tonight?" Niall asked, putting his arms around while you
Are doing the dishes.

"Niall, I don't think that's a good idea..."

"Why?" He confusedly asked you.

"Because of Liam, don't you think it will be hard for him to see us all lovey dovey and being by himself?" You questioned, drying your hands on a dish towel

Niall didn't say another word but left the room, you wondered what was wrong but your thoughts were interrupted by Liam calling your name from the guest room.

"Yes, Li?"

"I hate to bug you but...but can you help me with laptop?"

"Sure? But why do you need help with it?" You asked.

"It won't turn on. Ugh! This thing is so stupid! Why must everything go wrong?! First H/G/F/N and now my stupid laptop! My life is so messed up!" He vented, with tears in his eyes.

"Oh, Liam! It's going to be alright, it was H/G/F/N loss, you are an amazing person and it was a mistake for her to let you go." You told him, rubbing his back in a soothing way.

"You really think so?" He pouted, still crying.

"Yes, 100%! Now how bout you go to sleep and then we'll fix you laptop later." You suggested.

He agreed and laid down in bed, you decided to go cuddle with you boyfriend so you walked into the bedroom and laid down next to him, you tried to cuddle with him but he kept pushing you away.

"Niall? What's wrong? Don't you want to cuddle with me?" You asked, sitting up from your laying position.

"Why don't you go cuddle with Liam? Sense he's so amazing." He snapped, sitting at he end of the bed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Niall, what's you problem? I came in here to spend time with you but your being such a jerk." You said in disbelief of his behavior.

"My problem is you spending all you time with Liam and leaving me all by myself!" He said sharply.

It finally clicked and you realized he was jealous of you helping Liam though his break up.

"Your jealous aren't you, Niall?"

"Ha! No! Of course not! Why would you think that Y/N?"

"Because it's really obvious! You are so jealous!" You told him, crossing you arms in amusement.

He said nothing but he still sat there like before.

"Niall, you've got nothing to be jealous, you are the only one I want, I didn't mean to make you jealous, I just couldn't leave Liam in a condition like he was. Liam has done so much for the both of us. It was the least I could do." You explained, sitting at the end of the bed with him.

A few moments later Niall sighed. " I'm sorry Y/N, it's just I'm so used to having you give me all of your attention towards me. Your are right about him doing so much for us and I should be there for him too. I'm being extremely selfish. I'm sorry Y/N, I really am."

"It's okay, Ni. But next time, when I give all of my attention towards someone else, tell me how you feel, I can't leave you hanging off to the side." You told him, hugging him.

"Okay, Y/N."

~the 2 days later~

Liam is feeling much better now and is getting ready to go home. Over the last two days, you helped Liam feel better about his break up, Niall helped too, you also gave Niall the attention he deserved making sure he didn't feel unappreciated.

"Thank you, Y/N and Niall. You both being there for me means a lot to me. Of course it still hurts but I know I'm going to get though this, thanks again you two." Liam thanked, Hugging you both.

"No problem, Liam. I'm glad you know you can come to us when you need someone to help you." You told him with Niall agreeing.

With one last goodbye Liam left back to his place and you and Niall were alone.

"Now, we're alone." Niall wiggled his eyebrows in a cheeky way.

"We are." You nodded your head, putting you hand on his shoulders.

He pulled you closer by your hips and kissed you. Of course Niall was jealous at first but you were and still are so proud of him for helping out with Liam, even was he was a tad jealous.

Hi! I hope you all liked this imagine and the future ones and the ones from before! I wanted to say thank you to the ones who are reading my book, it means so much to me. Thank you all for reading my book and getting it to 26K readers.

Sorry for any mistakes!

If you want to request an imagine just DM me!

Ps, I wanted to say the reason I did H/G/F/N is because I didn't really want to use Sophia.

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