Chapter 1

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Do you know that feeling of being completely stressed and sad for nothing? It's true that sometimes you can break down, but have you ever asked yourself why? Why be sad when you can enjoy every single detail this life has given us? In the end, you're better being happy than being down in the dumps. You can enjoy, for example, spending an afternoon doing homework along with your best friend.

"Latin is so complicated," my friend, Savannah, has been complaining since she's started doing her homework, "and it's not used anymore."

"It wouldn't be that hard if you studied more," I close my notebook and throw it on the desk, "you can do your homework tomorrow during break, though."

"I'll probably end up not doing it," she tries to focus on the latin words. She seems really concentrated until she suddenly slams the pen against the table, "I give up, I don't even know what tempus fugit means."

"It's easy," I throw some pillows on the floor and lie on them, contemplating Savannah as she struggles with a dead language, "it means that time flies."

"Thank you," she sighs and writes down the meaning. She lets out a sigh of relief when she's done with the latin work, with a little help from me.

"Can I stay over?" She asks as she puts her books inside her backpack, "I don't need an answer, I'll be staying even if you say no."

"Good to know," I lie on my back and unlock my phone, noticing I have no notifications, as usual.

"Rydel, Savannah! Dinner is ready!" My mother calls from downstairs. I sigh and reluctantly get up, following Savannah out of my room.

"Thank you for letting me stay, Stormie." Savannah and I help setting up the table, because none of my adorable brothers bothers to come.

"You're always welcome in this house." Mom finishes preparing the meal and takes the plate to the dining room. Me and Savannah sit next to each other on the huge wooden door placed in the middle of the room.

We patiently wait while Mom calls out for the boys to come. Two blonde heads, and two brunette ones, appear from the stairs. They walk towards us and sit down, Ryland unusually sitting across from Savannah.

"Hudson," he speaks, trying to tease Savannah. He grins, making her giggle. Her cheeks turn a bright shade of red when he licks his lips.

"Lynch," she follows his game. I cough to remind them they're in public, actually in front of our whole family, expect from Dad.

Mom finishes serving the food to everyone and sits down next to her favorite son, Riker. I start silently eating as well as everybody else.

"We're having a really nice conversation," Savannah's sarcastic beast comes out to life, "one of the best we've ever had."

"Savannah, shut up." Ross rudely exclaims. Savannah shoots him a death glare and rolls her eyes.

"She's right, actually." Ryland says after a short pause. Savannah sends Ross a smugly smile and he frowns.

"You're by her side only because you like her," Ross states, making me choke on my food, he was not supposed to say that.

"That's not true!" Ryland gets up from his chair and slams the table, "You're a liar!"

"If you ever get married and have kids, instead of congratulating you, I will say 'I told you so'," Ross keeps teasing, he is now wearing a playful smile on his lips.

"Ross, please, don't annoy your brother." Mom scolds him. He nods and finishes his meal. Ryland chugs and leaves to his room.

"He's a sensitive boy," Riker, who's been silent this entire time, decides to join their conversation, "he's too young anyways."

"He's the same age as me," Savannah immediately defends him against his older brother, who seems not to care about this topic.

The rest of the dinner is spent silently and we soon finish. Being the boy's turn to do the dishes, me and Savannah rush up back to my room.

"Do you like my brother?" I suddenly ask while we try to open Savannah's bed from under mine.

"I don't know," she awkwardly responds and focuses on her bed. She quickly turns her head but I get a glimpse of a beautiful smile on her face.

"How about you?" The bed is finally done and we both jump down on our beds. She notices my confused expression and clarifies her question, "Do you like anyone?"

"No," I hurry to reply, I like nobody and I don't want her thinking I do.

"I've heard that there's this boy who has a little crush on you." She catches my attention. I look at her, trying to make her understand I want to know who without having to speak.

"Tell me who," I say when I see she doesn't get what I want, "Do I look like a fortune teller to you?

"Rydel Lynch, please," she rests her head on her pillow. Her hair is so long it touches the floor, "watch your sarcastic mouth."

"Savannah, I'm serious," I try to remark it with an authoritative tone. She mimics me with her hand and laughs at her own joke.

"Savannah," I sternly repeat her name. She chuckles and stares at me, "come on."

"Ellington Ratliff."

Author's Note

Rydellington story for you, Rydellington shippers.

*cough* rydel_ *cough*

This chapter is rather short, but it's sort of an introduction.

Don't ask what the title has to do with the story, it's not only the latin homework but something more.

Hope you enjoy this story!


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