Chapter 4

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"This is the schoolroom?" Louis said rubbing his eyes while yawning.

Biddie nodded, stepping into the doorway. The schoolroom was the wing that had been added to the side of the house to be and office originally, she explained to Louis. It looked pretty much like a typical schoolroom, except that there was no teacher's desk and no white boards. There were bookshelves spilling over with books of all genre's.

Four student desks occupied the room, the top lifted and the seat was attached. Three of them were piled high with papers and books, the other was empty except a mug holding pens, pencils and any other 'goodies'.

The walls were covered in cork, to which papers were pinned. Several layers of lined paper, drawings, maps, poems, stories and who knows what else. A huge chart labeled The Photo Project hung at the front of the room. Photographs of miscellaneous things were taped to it, beside the photos were printed descriptions. All the way across the room was a banner, reading Education is an adventurous quest for the meaning of life, including the ability to think things over. Louis didn't think that he'd agree with that definition if he was attending any other school.

Here and there were vases, filled to the brim with bright colorful flowers. Along one wall, an old door lay across two bright red filing cabinets. A desk. On it, lost in a litter of books and papers, was a computer, printer and scanner.

"I have my own laptop, so if you need to use it, just ask." Biddie called as she watched him eye the computer screen.

"Well that's about it." Biddie concluded.

Louis shook his head, he looked annoyed and tired of the new environment. A voice that Louis instantly recognized came from behind the open refrigerator door.

"Where's the apples? I remember there was one in here last night!" Josiah emerged from the door, dressed in swimming trunks, his hair ruffled. Even the first thing in the morning and the boy wanted food.

"Momma, Biddie's been stealing my apples!" There was no answer. "Momma!" Michelle looked up.

"What did you say dear?" Clearly she wasn't paying attention.

"I said, Biddie's been stealing my apples." Biddie's mouth formed an 'o'. 

"I wouldn't call it stealing. She has as much right to eat as the rest of us." Michelle responded.

 Josiah whined at her reply.

"But it was mine!" But she didn't answer him, she was reading her book again.

Biddie nodded at Louis, smiling too.

"Hi." He said quietly to Josiah, with a quick wave. Then Louis was gone, the place he had currently occupied was empty. Josiah stared up at me intensely as he sat, then climbed down from his stool to stand at my elbow.

"How did you get your hair that color?" he asked. Even if Biddie had intended to reply, she couldn't have. The boy went right on, leaving no time for her to reply.

"Did it grow that color? Mine just growed. My hair's blond. And how come your hair is long? Mine was never long!" he blabbered on.

"Momma always cuts it off. Can you comb your hair? Or is it too long?" he took a breath and kept going.

"Does it hurt to have so many earrings in your ear? It looks like it hurts. How come you go so many earrings? What does your shirt say? Is that a sweater? It doesn't look like it's that cold outside. I like the outdoors. I wanna be a lifeguard when I grow up. And a construction worker. And a king. If you-" Cindy put a plate of bacon and toast in front of Josiah, shutting him up.

"Don't mind Josiah." she whispered into her ear, rubbing her upper arms sweetly.

 "It's better not to get him started." Cindy continued, as if it had been Biddie's fault.

"And will you stop!?" Biddie bellowed over to Josiah.

When they finished their breakfast, she had gone out near the meadow with her camera. Sam had tromped along with her. Biddie was hoping to finish collecting the pictures for the project. It was the project she had most hated to think of sharing with Louis. Photography was hers, something she could do.

First of all, she wouldn't trust a boy like that with anything as beautiful and fragile as a photograph. Second, it was her favorite project to work on, and was nearly finished. Just one more picture. The project plan was to catch, photograph, and catalog every butterfly occupying the county. Biddie started in August and gone out every single day, starting in the meadow where there were usually a wide selection of butterflies.

Then make her way to ever square inch of the land, still in search for a precious butterfly. She  found everyone of them, from the tiny gray hair streak to the big eastern tiger swallowtail, except one. If she could find the last one. the project would be done and over with, the past, forgotten.

When she finished the hunt, she hadn't seen one butterfly, let alone the fritillary needed. As  walking onto the porch, Louis greeted Biddie. He was leaning against the support pole, his arms folded over his broad chest.

"Miss me?" her voice asked, mocking Louis.

"Why would I?" his words stung. Biddie rolled her eyes, fuming at his comment.

"Whatever." she huffed.

Her feet carried her not-so-gracefully up the porch steps. She stumbled on the middle one, crashing down into Louis's arms. Louis swore. His arms wrapped around her waist, protecting her from the wooden porch floors.

"Thanks." she muttered and sped off, blush reaching her face just as she raced away. 

 A/N Sorry I couldn't update Saturday! I had a quince to go to, then I spent the last few days on a small get away at a friends house :) Ha ha, hope you enjoyed it though. LOUIS ON THE SIDE k bYE 

~ swiggity swag ~

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