Chapter 3 The Misunderstanding to Love rival

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//Rin POV//

"Aww..." Rin yawns as he sits up from his was morning. He looks out the window and finally sees the yellow sun. "Man...I missed seeing that."

"Rin...Um, I mean Mr. Okumura...breakfast is ready." He heard Shiemi voice from the other side of the door. He gets up and walks to the door. He opens it and Shiemi squeaks, jumping back. Rin couldn't help but chuckle.

"Sorry for scaring you, oh and you can just call me Rin." Rin smiled.

"Oh..ok, then. Rin." Shiemi said nervously. "A-Anyway...breakfast is ready."

"Okay, thank you for telling me." Rin tells her but when she turns to leave. He unconsciously grabs her arm. She turns around to look at him.


" G-Goodbye." Rin was scarlet red and he shuts his door, closing himself in his room.

I can't just say anything to Shiemi without saying how much I know her. How can I find this orb of memories to bring Shiemi memories back to her? Rin thought, a bit scared of the situation. He then closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He opens his eyes and changes into his clothes. After that, he walks to the kitchen to see Shura, Yukio...and Shiemi, sitting at the table eating breakfast.

"Morning, Rin." Yukio greeted him.

"Morning everyone." Rin smiled as he sat down beside Shiemi. He was about to hold her hand until he remember they aren't a couple. He quickly pulls away before she noticed. He looks at Yukio and Shura who had a worried look at him.

"Yukio, so today Rin will be joining our class. Is that correct?" Shiemi asked.

"Yes, as of now...Rin is in our class." Yukio smiled and they went back to eating.

---5 Hours Later---

Rin was stuck for the day while Yukio and Shiemi went to school. After for waiting for 5 hours, he finally left the dorms and goes to cram class. Walking there was quite peaceful. For once in his years...nothing happen. Peace and quiet, nothing to disturb him and he arrives at the bridge. He jumps down and sees the door, he uses the keys his brother gave him and he opens the door with it.

"Huh...nothing has changed..." Rin said out loud as he walked the halls. He then spots Shima and Konekomaru walking to class. "Ah! Hey, guys!"

"Ah! R-Rin." Konekomaru said but Rin can tell the fear in his tone. His expression saddens a bit.

"Sorry...I didn't mean to scare you." Rin said while backing up. "Maybe I'll just...go."

"Ah! Wait, Rin!" Rin doesn't listen and runs away. He continues to run and ignores their cries and saying his name. He opens the door and runs without looking-

"AH!" he crashes into someone and they fall to the floor. He groans in pain and realize he was on top of whoever he crashed into.

"Ah! Izumo? Oh...sorry." Rin apologized as he saw it was Izumo he crashed into. He stands up and helps her up. "Are you hurt anyway?"

"N-No, I'm fine. Thank you." Izumo blushes as Rin is still holding her hand.

"I see...well, I have to go." Rin says quickly, but Izumo pulls him back.

"Hey, class is're going the wrong direction." Izumo tells him.

"I...uh, not going to class...maybe tomorrow." Rin tries to escape her grasp but she pulls him back.

(Rin X Shiemi Book 2) Only HumanWhere stories live. Discover now