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"Riker?" I blinked, my eyes still adjusting to the harsh light.

I took in my surroundings before speaking again, the room was clinical with fresh white walls. My eyes widened and I jumped up pulling my brother into a hug. As I pulled away I glanced at his face a empty expression eminent.

"What did they do?" I questioned, mainly to myself. I jumped when the door I came through opened again. The man who I had previously spoke to came in.

"What did you do?" I questioned louder this time and more direct.

"After you and your friend decided to break out of your holdings we had to find out what made you all so strong, different to every other human on this planet. The original plan was to find you and that girl but when this one fell behind and we found he had a attachment to you we decided a way to find you would be through him."  The man answered standing in front of me.

"For starters I don't even know your name, how do I know you have the authority you say you do. Also, he's not a number on some spreadsheet, he's my brother and whatever you've done to him you're gonna regret messing with us." I spoke more confident.

Completely ignoring me he continued his speech. "A few weeks later when you didn't spark any known interest in this matter we decided to make things more drastic-" I cut him off.

"You mean torture." I said. I didn't mean to make it sound or seem that bad, it just kinda happened.

"There was no need for things like that. We simply did tests, DNA that sort of thing. To find out what makes you different. A few days later he'd been locked away for so long with limited human interaction that he'd gone completely insane. We had no choice but to wipe his slate clean." These words hit me hard. We'd grown up together, the memories, everything was now gone.

"Is there anyway we could regain his memory?" I asked.

"Not that we know of." The man said not seeming to be affected by this at all.

I sat down in the chair again. Thinking over what I'd just been told.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2015 ⏰

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