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Aphmaus POV-

"Argh..." I slowly sat up rubbing the pounding head of mine

"Oh your awake, Would you like anything? you have been asleep for long"

I rubbed my head again "How long..."

"Around 3 months, sorry the dust should have wearied off but I gave you more just to make sure you would be safe, do you need anything?"

I turned to the side to see nothing "W-where are you?" I asked looking around the room


I turned back to the place I looked first there now stood a slight tall man dressed in a long sleeve black shirt with a dark real dark purple shirt over top, he wore long black jeans and Black and white sneekers, on his wrists he had purple and black bracelets his hair was much like mine if I had boy hair, his eyes were a bright purple they glimmered with joy and kindness, his skin was softly sunkissed so it was much lighter than mine, but he sort of resembled me in a way if I were a total hunk and a guy atop his head sat a silver and purple crown resembling a Prince crown...

"Heh admiring for later, do you need anything Aph?" I turned back to his face he was smiling softly and sweetly, I moved back in instint "D-Do I know you"

"Im the one who kinda blew dust in your face, but besides that, your safe now don't worry, you can trust me" He put his hand out, I just sat staring into his eyes the were addictive more than Garroths were...

"C-Could you stop looking at my eyes?" He asked nervous

I nodded and took his hand looking away, he smiled and pulled me from the bed "Ill send in Zombri to get you some clothes and get you cleaned up, I will be waiting for you just call me when you need me" He smiled his teeth glittering as he grinned

"W-Whats your name"

"Oh I forgot, My name Is Endmau"

"Endmau? Are you coping me?" I asked interested of how he sounded like me looked a bit like me and HIS NAME SOUNDS LIKE MINE?

"W-What hey if anyone was coping it would be you im older for a fact! But Ill send in Zombri alright?"


He kissed my hand and walked out, his touch was soft but it felt usual, I sat back on the black and purple bed staring at the Giant obsidian door, it soon flung open and a girl put her leg down

"Did you kick it open?" I asked laughing a bit

"How am I surpost to get in!" She laughed she had elbow height brown hair she wore a light teal tunic and blue shorts her skin was macchiato and her eyes were a bright dark blue, the side of her face had a stitches gash and around her wrists and knees and ankles she had stitch marks around them she wore a light teal bow in her hair and on her back was a cloak, she shut the doors and walked over

"Hi do you uhm remember me?" She asked shaking at her stitched knees

"N-No s-sorry"

"That's alright hopefully you will soon! Im Zombri im kind of a big deal to you!"

"You are?"

"YUP!" She giggled she then twisted her wrist and her hand dropped, I jumped back gasping, the hand then crawled off into a closet Zombri giggled "My hands just getting your things"

The hand came from the closet and had a bag on its back hand crawling on its fingers she picked up the bag and her hand attached to her arm again, she unzipped the bag and handed me a bag of clothes, she left the room and I dressed myself, It was not to much of my style but it was purple!

I walked over and opened the door, Zombri was running down the halls into another room

"Oh.." I said looking around

"S-So do you like the clothes?"

I turned to see a boy my age with White hair like WHITE HAIR, his skin was pale and seemed smooth to the touch, he wore a white shirt around his waist were bones hung on strings along side potions of different viarotys his pants were white and his shoes black, his lips were pursed white as he looked at me his eyes were sliver in a glowing haze

"I Like them their not really me but, I like them yes" I gave him a smile

Im still cautious about these people

"No need to be cautious Aph, But Uh thanks I made them, on the other hand d-do you want to take a walk, we can go see some people who are agar to see you, really agar to..." 

"How did you-Uhm Okay lets go then, whats your name?"

"Oh" He bowed his head chuckling "Im Skelly, Im one of your friends don't worry"

"Okay lead the way Skelly"

He smiled and took my hand, his skin was soft as seemed but his hands quite bony and frail, we walked down the dark glowstone lit halls no windows were open allowing light inside, all but one room had them open and we were going there, we walked in bright light and birds chirps came from one side of the room where the light came in, on the other it was board up like the rest of the castle, two thrones stood at the end of the long room, two people before each one

Before the silver Iron throne stood a woman her hair black as night her eyes as bright as light shining with a lightest brown tone, her hair fell to the ground and she wore a long black dress, iron boots on her feet and a purple flower crown  hung on her sharp curved hair in the middle sat a jewel that resembled the one on her throne head, she had light skin not as light as Skelly but it was light tan really light tan

The man next to her had greyish Black hair like my own on his head sat a gold crown with purple jewels, he wore a black and purple king suit with a white cape hanging from his shoulders he had dark skin darker than my own, he smiled and spoke up before I could completely see him

"A-Aphmau is that....you" He asked stepping down from his Throne towards me

I gulped and Skelly let me go walking back, I stood my ground as he came closer looking at me up and down the woman followed and as they met at pace they stopped and stared

"Aphmau, l-look into my eyes" The woman said calm like

I looked into her light shade eyes and everything flashed right before me,

Everything did

I stumbled backwards and regained control of my sight

"Aphmau do you..." The man started

"Remember us?" The woman asked hugging his arm

"..Mom...Dad.." I said shakily letting tears weld and fall

"Welcome Home honey" They said in unison

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