
"Griffin! I need to talk to you."
"Coming captain!"
I walk to the captain's door. It's never good when you get called. But I'm use to it. When I enter is office, I see a tall man with brown eyes and curly and messy brown hair. He looks my age - which is 26 - and he seems to have a tan skin.
"Griffin this is Bellamy Blake. He just moved here from Washington. He's our new investigator."
I find myself standing in front of him and extending my hand for him to shake it. He takes it and give it a quick shake.
"Hi! I'm Clarke. Clarke Griffin."
"It's nice to meet you." When you look closely he has freckles all over his face and it makes him look kind of hot.
"Nice to meet you too."
"Good thing you seem to get along because from now on you're gonna be partners."
"I'm sorry what?" I don't need a partner even if he's hot and everything I work on my own.
"Griffin I know you want to work on your own, but the bosses want you to have a partner. It's safer in case of emergency."
"No but Griffin. If you don't have a partner you'll be assign to desk duty. No more field."
"So if I understand clearly I get a partner or I don't get to go on the field anymore."
"Exactly and since I know you Griffin, I know which one you're gonna take. So now that you met you can get out of my office and get to know each other." I sigh. We both left captain's office and went to mine.
"So I read your file. You're a pretty good agent."
"I'm pretty good yeah."
"You're only 26 and you're better than people who've been doing this for 30 years."
"I've got it in my veins. What about you? Were you working for the FBI?"
"Something like that." He smirks.
"And why did you moved here?"
"I've heard about MWI and I needed a change. So here I am." Something about him tells me that he's hiding something. But I don't know why.
"Are you a good shooter?"
"I'm not bad."
"Let's find out." I smirk. "Follow me."
I lead him to the shooting range where we practice our shooting or I also like to use it after a bad day.
"So since you're not a bad shooter you know how to use a gun." He smirks.
"I know how to use a gun. Even I know how to use another kind of gun. If you know what I mean." He winked at me before putting his ear plugs, taking the gun and start shooting. Oh. My. God. He did not just say that.
When there's no more bullet he puts the gun down and press the button that make the sheet come to us. He takes it and we can see 7 holes, 3 in the head and 4 in the chest.
"Not bad Blake."
"Your turn princess." I take his place to the stand and take the gun.
"Do not call me princess ever again."
"As you wish, princess."
"Remember that I'm the one with the gun."
I put my ear plugs and start shooting the target. After the charger is empty I put the gun down and press the button.
As I take the paper I smile at myself, admiring 1 big hole at the chest. I look at Bellamy who has his mouth wide open. I smirk.
"Maybe I should have practice more."
"You're kidding. You shot 7 bullets at the same place. How did you do that."
"I hunted with my father for 17 years." I smile at the memorie and turn away from Bellamy feeling the tears threatening to spill out.
"Well you're a damn good shooter." I smile.
I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and look at it.
Captain- Body found at Dropship park. You're up with Blake.
"We gotta go!"
"Dropship Park. They found a body."
"First case together."
"About that. On the way there we're gonna establish a couple of rules."
"Rules? For what?"
"Well we're partner so there are some things that I want to clarify with you."
"Great I have a stuck up partner." He mutters for me not to hear it.
"I heard that. And for one I am not stuck up. For two you're the one who moved here."

First chapter! Yeah! XD
I have a straight idea of where I want to go with this book and I think you're gonna like it!;)

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