Chapter 22

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[A/N]:  This chapter is dedicated to vampwolfk17 for making me the adorable pic in the multimedia! :D

[Liam's P.O.V]

"Liam, look at his little nose!" Niall gushed, practically pressing his face to the glass of the incubator. The baby was sleeping, his little first pressed against his cheek. 

"I see, Nialler," I said absentmindedly, stroking his back. I was growing to love Baxter, but the thought of that woman escaping had me a bit preoccupied. Niall frowned, petting the glass one last time before he focused on me instead, his ears slipping into his hair as his tail fell still.

"Hey," he tugged on my sleeve. "Hey... pay attention to me..."

I gave him a forced smile, and he poked out his lips in a pout. Arching my eyebrow, I asked the younger lad, "What?"

"You're upset," Niall said slowly. "Are you upset... at me?"

"No, Prince," I kissed his forehead.

Niall glanced to the teen sprawled boredly on the couch towards the back of the room, "Are you mad at... Kepa?"

I chuckled, "Why would I be mad at Kepa?"

"I could give you a few reasons," Kepa called, but I ignored the lad.

Niall's look suddenly became knowing, "Wait... is this... this is because of Ella, isn't it?"

"Yes," I sighed in defeat. "She's... I don't know where she is. No one knows where she is, and that's why I'm upset."

"You were very angry earlier," he murmured, wiggling up to lean against my chest. "I'm no good at calming you down. Harry calms Louis down so easily, and I just... I'm no good at it."

"You are so!" I disagreed, wrapping my arms around him. "I wasn't... mad, necessarily. Well I as, but... did you know they say that anger is just fear's disguise?"

Niall leaned back to look up at me, "Why are you afraid? Ella won't come anywhere near us, and we both know Louis isn't going to let anything happen to his family. I don't even think Ella knows about Zayn and Chris."

I pushed up the sleeve of Niall's shirt gently, knowing that a little below his shoulder there was a raised pink line, "But..."

"Oh..." Niall said slowly. "That's what's bothering you?"

"Mhmm..." I looked down at my feet, only to have Niall take my face in his hands and press his lips to mine.

"Don't let that bug you... she only took me because I witnessed her taking Harry. She didn't know that Chris and Zayn did, too," he told me softly.

"I don't want you having to go through that again," I whispered back, leaning my forehead against his. "I don't want to have to go through that again... there was so much blood, I didn't know if..."

"That was so long ago, though, Li-Li," Niall soothed. "Everything's better now and Ella won't hurt anyone again."

"And if she does?" I squeaked, feeling a bit silly that I was the one needing reassurance when Niall had been the one kidnapped and nearly killed.

"We'll always find a way back to one another," he offered me a grin.

"No matter what," I agreed, kissing his nose. "Let's let Baxter sleep, and we can go visit our friends downstairs again. I'm calm, now."

Niall said a quiet goodbye to Baxter, blowing him a kiss before he took my hand and we walked back downstairs. Harry had Fionna and appeared to be burping her, swaying slightly in a soothing manner. Louis was seated on the bed and staring at Harry like he was the greatest thing in the world, and Zayn and Chris were towards the back of the room and appeared to be having a moment of their own as Zayn nuzzled against Chris' ear and whispered to him. Niall hurried over to Harry, who in turn shot Niall a look of distrust, cuddling Fionna just a tiny bit closer. The boy's protectiveness made me laugh, and I sidled over to sit next to Louis.

Uniquely Three - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book3}Where stories live. Discover now