Chapter 30

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[A/N]: Hey guys! Sorry it has been taking me forever to update! I've had a lot of college stuff to take care of, but I think I got it all out of the way now! So we're good! I'll try and update more frequently again! This chapter is dedicated to Zialler_Gurl1213 for making the fanart in the multimedia!

[Louis' P.O.V]

It took Harry and I about a week after my mum left to stop panicking about being alone with Fionna. I stopped calling my mum and Dr. Shell before doing something involving her, and Harry finally was comfortable with doing simple things like feeding her alone or changing her diaper alone as well. However, we generally team worked it, because we still hadn't moved past the stage of wanting to be close to our baby. I'd heard people complaining all the time how they wished their baby would sleep through the night, or they wished their spouse would help take care of the baby more often, but I was perfectly content with caring for Fionna, I was willing to let Harry sleep a few extra hours... even though he never did.

We both thought Fionna was the neatest thing ever. Harry thought she had the cutest little nose, and I thought she had the cutest little tummy, especially after her umbilical stump fell off. Even Liam and Niall were adapting to little Baxter. Granted, Kepa was still helping them out, but Baxter was out of the incubator and making great progress. The only thing that kept me from being completely happy, was the fact that Ella was still out and about. The guards kept us fairly safe, however. They even went to the store to pick up food for us.

I only felt slightly stir crazy, but Fionna was still too little to leave the house, and Harry refused to let me go anywhere alone just like we both refused to leave Fionna with a baby-sitter all ready. I was still getting paid time off, and I was extremely grateful for that. I knew it'd be difficult for me to leave my Kitten and my baby once Zayn needed me back.

I was in the kitchen making lunch when Harry walked in with Fionna in the sling we'd had one of the guards buy for us. He wanted to carry her around without waking her up, and Fionna seemed to prefer being snuggled more than she preferred being alone, so it was a win-win situation. It was a soft pink material and had little white balls of yarn on it. Harry wore it draped from shoulder to hip, and Fionna was tucked carefully inside of it, just as she would be if she were cradled in Harry's arms. Harry wore it nonstop ever since we had it, and after about the fourth day, I'd started calling them my kangaroo family.

"Hello, my Louis," Harry said happily, walking over to see what I was making. "Green beans!"

"For my Kitten," I nodded, peering in at the sleeping baby with the tiny pink beanie. "How's our baby kangaroo? She sleeping in your pouch?"

Harry giggled, "She is a sleepy baby... so yes. Looks so tiny in there."

"She is tiny," I kissed his cheek. "Her cheeks are getting chubbier though."

"I am not losing my belly, yet, though..." Harry frowned. "Still pludgy."

I frowned, picking up the spoon I'd been using to stir the green beans with and poking him lightly in the nose with the handle of it, "You're perfect. You don't have to change anything about you."

"Want to not have pludge, though," Harry explained. "Liked it when Fionna was still in there... was nice to feel her in there. But now it is just empty pludge and I do not want it."

"Kitten, if it makes you feel any better you'll probably lose it soon," I sighed. "You carry Fionna around all day even though you're supposed to rest your tummy sometimes, since you still feel so sore, and you haven't eaten as much since Fionna was born."

"It is squishy," he pursed his lips. "So there is not another baby in there."

"That's good," I gave a surprised laugh, turning off the stove top and pulling down two plates. "Since we haven't done anything that could make a baby, and since you shouldn't try and grow anymore babies inside you."

Uniquely Three - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book3}Where stories live. Discover now