Three little bullies

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In the morning,once Marie woke up Twilight's gone. Marie got confused,where is Twilight?" Aunt Twilight? Where are you? Aunt Twilight?" Said Marie searching for her aunt. Then Twilight came with her school bag. "Come on Marie 30 minutes before school!" Said Twilight. Marie was shocked she realized it was monday so she got up ran down stairs ate breakfeast,brushed her teeth,say goodbye to Twilight and ran to school. Her school is at Ponyswag highschool. It's a very expensive school 100000000000 bits per month,but her parents can aford that for their lovely child. In the school yard she found Ponyart in a distance,she looked worried,then Marie came to her she asked whats wrong with her "Ponyart whats wrong why are you shakey like this'' asked Marie. Ponyart refused to tell her but told her anyways "well you know Flitpy,Heart attack,and Manipa right? Of course you do,silly me... Anywho I was just passing by the hall and those three hold on to a paper it says that they are accepted as school president for a week,thats what made me worried" Ponyart said. It was a biiggg problem cause Flipty,Heart attack,and Manipa are three little evil bullies if they become 'school president' they are like sooo doomed. "Gosh that is horrible, I mean horrible I really mean horrible!" Said Marie getting worried. Then the three little bullied came,then Heart attack the leader spoke up "Hey hoh girls and boys listen up we are the new school president for one week! And we will make some rules here. You avoid them? Im asking Mr. Leosim to expele you" she said very strik and sound like a murderer. They all got scared but not Marie,she stood up for her friends. She trotted towards Heart attack "Marie! What are you doing?" Asked Ponyart,Crystal sageas,Dalya,and Glimmer showers. She didn't reply she trotted towards em' "even if your going to be school president for a week it doesn't mean you could expele some one just by breaking the rule you know,tho it depends. Whats the rule?" Marie stood up to Heart attack and the gals "ughh ok 1.Always say your highness to me 2.Never cut infront of me or Flipty,and Manipa 3.Never ever tell on us. And thats it" explained Heart attack her weird and silly rule that doesn't really matter to the school. Suddenly Principal Leosim came in secretly (he likes to do that) "That rules doesnt have to do with any of us. It's just weird rules. The rules should't be saying your higness to you or the rest,it should be always respecting others,and caring for others and more thats like that" Marie talked alot,everyone was amazed by her,Principal Leosim was suprized that Heart attack made weird rules and stuff. "Ughhh... Why are you like sooo weird? And like super anoying?" Flipty said with a vainty voice and trying to imitate Rarity's voice. Principal Leosim was more suprized when Flipty said that." And you know what? We can give any rules for all ponies cause we are school president for a week so if you break the rules your expeled" said Manipa. "Fine! Keep your rule! We dont care we are doing whats right,first we must help others in need,second we will call our seniors with their back names and our juniors with their name,third we will repect others,forth we will share and care fifth we will never ever fight because of little small things" said Marie super mad at them. Then Principal Leosim came with an angry face towards Heart attack,Flipty,and Manipa. "You three had dissapointed me ok girls you are no longer school president,even for ine week. I will pick Maire,Ponyart,Crystal sageas,Glimmer showers,and Dalya to become the school president BUT for 10 moth's"Principal Leosim said to them with a wide liony face.

Then they we're proud of them being school president.

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