The new colt

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The three bullies was very dissaponted in principal Leosim. The 5 girls was very happy being school president for 10 moth's but Ponyart,Crystal,Glimmer,Dalya, and Marie was curious about Kaylin "Girls do you know what's wrong with Kaylin?" Crystal Sageas asked the rest. Then Marie remembered the things she saw in her room,"Im also wondering too,im curious" Marie said with a low voice. Suddenly there was a yellow colt with green and purple mane,he was a pegasus everypony didn't know him. He tried to say hi to the other colts,but they refused to say hello to him but not Jaystone flight and Gumball mail. They we're the nicest colts all around the school Jaystone wears glasses,Gumball wears sun glasses to make him 20% cooler. Principal Leosim lets him to wear it. "Hi! You must be new here well,im Jaystone flight you can call me Jaystone or Jay or Stone! This is my BEST FRIEND Gumball mail! He is like cool! And whats your name?" Jaystone said with a very fast voice "I.. I.... I.... Im Veltsy cartoon,you can call me Veltsy or just Velt but never call me cartoon alright?" The new colt said. Jaystone and Gumball didn't care about the last statement he said but to keep their friendship(I guess) they kept their word of not calling him cartoon "Sure Velt! I like your name! It's like awesome" said Gumball. Gumball was an iritating earth colt,he likes to dance,sing,and things like that. His not casanova tho he always keeping him self cool. "Um thanks Gumball! I like your sun glasses! Are you allowed? I mean like... In my old school,they didn't allow me even to wear a tie I mean my mom removed me from that school and move here! I like this school! I hope I'll make friends" Velty was nervous what to say. Jaystone and Gumball stared at each other "we are friends silly" Jaystone said to him. Velty was shocked that they we're already friends! "Whoah you mean that IM your new friend?" Velty asked to not have a missunderstanding thingy Jaystone and Gumball laughed "so... Im not your friend?" Velty was a little sad when they laugh "oh.. You silly colt,we are friends!!! We laughed caus you're so hillarious!!!" Jaystone laughed while saying it all "And hes we're not friends we're fwends" said Gumball laughing. Velty smiled at the two colts and laughed with them. Then the school bell rings, all the students sighed and walked away to their classes,Velty looked his schedule and he has science class. "Anyone got sciene? Cause I do!" Said Velty "WE DO!!!!!!!" Jay and Gumball said together and they laughed together. When they we're walking Velty triped over cause of Marie's hooves "oh omg! Im so so so very sorry,I didn't mean it!" Marie said nervously to Velty. Velty stood up and blushed "uhh it's fine im not hurt no no no not at all! Im fine really" velty said nervously to Marie. They both blused at each other "Sooooo um... See you?" Velty spoke up first to Marie,she was smiling and blushing "um sure,maybe at lunch?" Marie didn't know what to say to a new colt "Err sure I guess... Ehehehe your name is?" Velty tried to ask her about her name. Jay,Gumball,Ponyart,Crystal sageas,dalya,and Glimmer steped away from the two love birds "Me? Oh me? Well my name Ma... Marie sparkle,OR just call me Marie" Marie felt akward while saying it. "Uh my name is Veltsy cartoon,BUT just call me Velty or Veltsy never call me cartoon tho" Velty said nervously to her. They both said goodbye to each other. Once she came back to her friends Glimmer said something "Ohhh!!!! New crush huh?" Glimmer said happily to Marie "uh I guess,but im only telling my sis,my parents ,aunt Twilight,and aunt Fluttershy alright? Im not telling anypony else so don't tell anypony else alright? But for Kaylin you can tell her but ot other students ok?" Marie was mervous that her friends will tell somepony else. The gals smiled "of course we wont Marie" the other smiled. And walked away to their classes

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2015 ⏰

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