Chapter 15: If she wants to play it that way, challenge accepted

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Hey guys! Work is great and all! Not like you really care tho because you were just waiting for me to update xD But anywayssss, here it is!

Who wants a dedication and/or shoutout in the next chapter? ;) Comment, comment, comment! :D

Chapter 15: If she wants to play it that way, challenge accepted.

"Meep meep, POW!" -r0xias

Raku's POV

I lay in bed and stared up at my ceiling as I thought about what happened earlier. I can't believe it.. Onodera lied to me. She lied to me.. She lied to me this whole time.

Why didn't I believe Chitoge?

I sighed as I pulled my bed covers over my body and drifted off to sleep. Tomorrow.. I'll definitely get my best friend back.

The Next Day..

I came to school early with a bunch of Chitoge's favorite flowers and her favorite ramen. I set it down on her table and waited for her.

"Oouuu Raku, you're so sweet giving Onodera flowers and... ramen?" A student said.

"These aren't for Onodera, they're for Chitoge."

Their eyes widened up at me and they gave me a toothy grin. "I see.. hehe." They then walked away towards their desk. I knew this would become a classroom fuss soon..

After a few minutes, Chitoge walked in and noticed the items on her desk. She looked very surprised to see her favorite flowers and her favorite ramen. "Wh-"

"Chitoge." Her eyes shot up at me.

"Did you do this?"

"Yes, but-"

"Take it. I can't do work with these things on my desk." She said picking up the flowers and ramen as she gave it to me. I could hear a few whispers from our classmates but ignored them.

"Chitoge, I got them for you because I wanted to apologize for what I said. I'm sorry, Ch-"

"I told you I didn't want your apology. Ever. Now leave me alone.." She said walking out the room.

I set the flowers and ramen down on my desk and sat down. I sighed as I rubbed my head in frustration.

This is the thing about Chitoge... She was always so stubborn..

"Raku, you gonna eat that ramen?" I turned around to see one of my classmates staring hungrily at the ramen. I rolled my eyes at them and handed it over.

It would be hard to talk to Chitoge but.. If she wants to play it that way, challenge accepted.

•°•°•°•°•°• Lunch •°•°•°•°•°•

"Hey, Chitoge."

"Oh, Mr. Ichijo. What do you want?"

I smirked, "I heard from Ms. Kyoko that you're taking the role of Juliet since Onodera gave up on that role. Is that true?"


"Oh, well then, I'll see you at practice, Juliet." I said walking away from her and looked back to see a shocked expression on her face.

Chitoge's POV

What? How could this happen? Shu specifically told me Raku had dropped the role of Romeo and he said he'd find another replacement. Did Shu lie to me..?

No, Shu wouldn't lie to me. But.. How is this possible? How is Raku Romeo again? And WHY does he seem so happy about it!?

I sighed as I continued on with eating my lunch.

•°•°• Practice •°•°•

"Is everyone here?" Shu called out. Everyone was here except for Romeo. Maybe Raku was just trying to scare me or something.

"Has anyone seen Raku?" Shu asked.

My shoulders tensed up as I heard Shu call out for him. I grabbed him by his shirt collar and dragged him to a corner of the classroom.

"Why is Raku Romeo!? You said he quit the role!" I whispered.

"Hey, I thought so too. But he was so happy to find out you were Juliet that he begged me to give his part back."

Raku was happy to find out I was Juliet..?

"Why'd you give him back the part then!?" I whispered angrily.

"He was the only one who memorized all of the lines. We need him, Chitoge."
I sighed, I couldn't argue about it anymore. Shu was right on that. "Shu.. You know I ca--"

"Chitoge, we gotta do this. Here's your copy of the script."

I sighed and took the script from him and read through my lines. Raku walked in and took a script from Shu then went over to me.

"Hello, Juliet." He smirked.

"Leave me alone."

"AHEM." I looked up to see Shu glaring at me. I sighed and looked at Raku.

"If you screw up, I'll make sure you bleed till next fall." I said getting up from my seat.

"Fair enough." He said following me.

This was gonna be a long day..

Hope you enjoyed :D

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