Chapter 17: I fell for my best friend..

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Sorry, this story is getting lame due to the lack of Nisekoi episodes/manga updates.. :/ Promise to update with a better chapter.

"Meep meep, POW!" -r0xias

Chapter 17: I fell for my best friend..

Raku's POV

What did I just do earlier!? Did I really.. almost kiss Chitoge!? Gahh! I grabbed my head in frustration and felt myself blush.

But.. I..

"Ichijou-kun. What a pleasure meeting you here."

I turned around to see Onodera. I haven't talked to her ever since that night. I wonder how she's doing..

"Hey, Onodera." I said.

"Hi. Ichijou-kun.. listen.. I'm sorry for the way I acted before.. I didn't realize how much you and Kirisaki's friendship meant.. I'm hoping we could still be friends."

I couldn't believd it. Onodera was apologizing. I smiled at her and held out my hand towards her. "Of course we can."

She smiled and took my hand and shook it.

"That's great! Maybe me, you, and Kirisaki can hang out!"

I scratched the back of my head and turned away from her. "Actually.. me and her aren't on good terms yet." I said embarrassingly.

"Oh, I'm.. I'm so sorr--"

"No! No! Don't worry about it!"


Onodera examined me for a bit. She walked around me and looked at me up and down.

"Ichijo-kun. Your face is.. quite red. Your hands are sweaty and you're shaking."

"I..I am?" She nodded at me.

"You're in love with Kirisaki-san, aren't you?"

My eyes widened and my whole body tensed up. I was.. in love with Chitoge..? How.. How could Onodera tell that I was..


I looked up at Onodera who was awaiting for an answer I didn't know myself. Was I really in love with Chitoge? My heart was beating really fast, my hands were sweating, and my whole face was probably a shade of crimson red right now.



"I.. I fell for my best friend.."

She smiled at me, "I knew you did.."

Lame chapter I'm sorry but yeah. If I don't watch new Nisekoi or read them then this is what happens.. :/ Sorry. I'll try and do a better one.

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