Saving Angel

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Saving Angel by The__Crazy_Girl 

Sussy was swimming in the poisonous sea around her, who never seemed to end. Its water was darker than the night sky around her, and in here no live form could ever live. The only light was from the moon and the stars, and as the time went, more and more stars seemed to disappear. In the start there had been thousands, maybe a million stars, all shining so bright. Now only the brightest was left.

And for every star that fainted, Sussy's hope got weaker. Her hope that someday she would find a shore, and that someday she would once again see the beautiful sight of dawn.

Oh, she could imagine it. The glowing sun would shine at her cold limbs, and slowly warm her up from inside. The dark would flee across the sky, so far away, that Sussy would never need to see it again. The sky would turn into different kinds of colors and nuances, and happiness would fill her so mighty, that it would make the terrible hole inside her disappear.

The thought of that possibility, made her swim a little faster for a while. But at one point they came: the waves of exhaustion.

For every wave, her head was spinning a bit slower, her body felt a bit heavier, and her eyelids were a little bit closer on dropping. And the feeling of tiredness grew a bit bigger.

Every movement was a fight for her. A fight for survival. And the ever-lasting question was always echoing through her mind: Why should she fight for her survival?

After all was the point in it? What was she even living for? She got nothing left. Nobody left, not even her sister was here to help her, and even though she always had been her saving angel, she wasn't here. Nobody were. Because after all, who would want her. All she was, all she ever would be, was an empty shell, bearer of a darkness that everyday threatened to absorb her.

She couldn't even remember when the darkness first had appeared inside her. It felt like it always had been there. Lurking inside her, slowly absorbing all of her happiness. At one point a hole had emerged from the darkness, living where the happiness once were.
The hole was worse than the darkness. The darkness was at least some kind of feeling, the hole was nothing. The only way you could describe it was like a substance, that always was swelling, filling her inside more and more.

Sussy had heard about feeling pain in a body part you had lost, the same was happening to her. Just inside her.

Because sometimes the hole would ache so terrible, it felt like a part of her was getting ripped away. The attacks would come so suddenly. Once moment ago she could have been laughing, and in the next she should do her best not to cry.

Other days the hole was a whole lot of nothingness, sending shivers through her body, while it slowly sucked more of her in. All the warmth would seem to be sucked from the room, and the beautiful colors would then fade to nothing. And the emptiness would soar through her body, so strong it made her question her entire existent. And every fail she ever made suddenly just seemed ten times more fatal.

Her mind would race around, throwing words and sentences up in the air. It was like googling your symptoms, suddenly you were dying from nothing.

She would stop swimming, and just lie in the ocean for days, letting the tide bring her anywhere. Salty tears would join the others, and the only sound existing to her, was her desperately gasp for air. Hoping that somehow the pain would disappear. It never did.
So at one point, no more tears where left, and the cold insider her would force her to move. Her mind would be so exhausted, that the bestial instinct for survival would kick in. Then she would be swimming again.

It was a forever ongoing cycle, but every time it started again, her heart had been more decayed, and her mind was heavier. And someday it would end. Then she would be just like the empty bodies floating around her.

Oh, how she hated those bodies. They were like a horrific prediction of her future. Their skin looked like old parchment, which written story had been washed away. Their eyes were empty, as if the person's soul had left the body. But Sussy knew the persons weren't death, because tears were still falling down their cheeks, slowly eating up the flesh at their cheeks.

There were thousand of them, everywhere she went, there they were. As a friendly reminder for what would happen to her if she stopped swimming.

Suddenly a rattling sound broke through her thoughts. The sound was like nothing she had heard before; it was the opposite of the water's usually murmur. It sounded more like a mechanic machine, but it couldn't be. Such things never came here.

With big difficulty she turned around, so she was looking up at the sky, exactly at the point where the sound was coming from. And there she saw it: the helicopter. Its lights were searching the pit black ocean, until it finally found her. A door opened, and down fell a ladder.

"Sussy!" A voice shouted, so filled with love, that for a moment Sussy stopped freezing. "Hang on the ladder!" Her little sister appeared from the door opening, her brawn hair flying wildly in the wind, and her face lighting up her world. Her saving angle was here.
Not saying a word, Sussy started to swim over to the ladder with the last of her power. Soon her hand held fast in the ladder's rough rung.

Her sister smiled down at her, and shouted. "Come on, Sussy! You can do it! I believe in you."

Sussy took a deep breath, and started to climb. Soon her legs and arms felt like acid, but she kept climbing. She was so close on. So close on home. And around her dawn started to break through, all it's beautiful colors lighting up her world.

One more step, and she was there. Her sister put out her hand so she could take it. She reached out for it, and for a moment their fingertips touched. And in that moment Sussy was for first time in years, completely alive.

Suddenly her foot slipped at the wet wood, the contact got broken, and then Sussy was flying in midair. On her way to meet what always had been her destiny. To drown in her own tears. Just like all the other bodies...

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