The serect

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A whole nother week have went by an I still haven't talked to Gina like I wanted to, so I decided  since it was Saturday an  Since I was in a good mood I thought I  would bake her a cake an take it down to her .

I knew Micheal had to work today ,
he was one of the nurses at the hospital an I knew his schedule  so I knew I had a couple hours to play with before he came home.

Once I finished baking the cake I walked it down to Gina house, I knocked on her door an rung  the door bell an waited for her to open the door.

When she opened the door she had a smile on her face but a confused look on her face like she was surprised I was there .

" Hey Dai'sha it's a surprise to see you here,  how did you know where I lived "

I looked at her like are you serious I been living down the street for three years an you never noticed me ,as bad as I wanted to say that to her I didn't.

"I been living down the street from you, for three years so I guess that make us neighbors , besides I baked you a cake to thank you for the job"

She smiled again an said she don't see how she never noticed me  an to come in an lets have a bite of the cake I made.

Once I walked in her house I was looking around it was so beautiful,
she had a marble floor ,big fish tank with gold fish an sea shells, black painted walls , two zebra print sofas , white entertainment stand , flat screen TV ,pictures hanging up of her family an  a glass table in the middle of the living room floor.

She told me I could have a seat an that she was fin to put on some coffee to go with the cake, when I sat down her son an daughter came out the room an looked at me an said hi Ms.Dai'sha what you doing here?

I was speechless I didn't think my plan all the way through they seen me an their father talking sometimes but never seen us kiss or anything so that was a good thing.  

" Hey you guys I just stopped by to bring your mommy something"

Gina walked from the kitchen with a clueless look on her face an asked her kids , how you guys know Dai'sha?

They told her I was their daddy friend,  then she looked at me an asked how I knew her husband,
I told her I didn't really know him an that my father fixed cars an when he had problems with his car he came to my fathers shop to get his car fixed an I use to help out a little around my dad shop  an that sometimes her husband would bring the kids an that's how they knew me an that awhile ago we had a run in  at the park.

She smiled an said  old little rusty is a hand full I don't know why he wont get rid of that old thing an then she looked at the time an told her kids to go to the neighbors  for the birthday party an to be on their best behaviour.

When they left she sat down an asked how I liked the job,  I told her the job was good an the kids were something else an me an her both laughed.

Once we stop laughing she told me she apologize  for how she reacted our last conversation  , it just when I asked her did she want any more kids it brought up a painful memory  from the past.

A tear begin to roll down her face
an then she told me the secret I was dying to know but once I finally
heard it I wish I would of never knew it at all.

She told me 3 years ago before they moved here that she was three months pregnant with twins an one night she was home by her self she said Micheal was at work an the kids was to their grandmother house an a man who she knew who was Michael
friend knocked on the door an asked could he come in until his brother made  it back home   an that he left his house keys in the house.

She said that she thought nothing of it an told him yeah, that night she was rapped an beaten an it took her awhile to get over that night an she said he was sentence to life without parole.

After she told me that I comforted her an we drunk some coffee an ate some of the chocolate cake I had baked.

Once I made it home I wondered did I still want to go through my plan....

An if I did what kind of person would that make me...

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