Chapter 6: At Ludwig's House

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It was weird when I had walked up to Ludwig's door. Gilbert was sitting in front of it, pouting.
"Gilbert?" He looked up at me. "Oh! Mr. Vargas!" He stood up. "What are you doing?"
"West kicked me out. He didn't want me to embarrass him."
"Um, OK?" I knocked on the door. Ludwig opened it. "Come in and make yourself at home, dinners almost ready." I walked into the living room and sat down while Ludwig was making something in the kitchen. I looked around.
There were a lot of pictures on the walls of Ludwig and Gilbert with soccer trophies, and then other pictures of them on vacation, I think. The living room design was nice, it made it so everyone was facing everyone.
Ludwig carried two plates into the living room. Both of them had pasta. "Angel hair pasta! Oh thank you Ludwig."
"I saw you eating it the other day, so I thought you'd like it."
He sat across from me in a sitting chair. "So, what exactly did you need help with?"
"Well, Uh... I can't exactly... Draw."


When Ludwig opened the door, I ran in and sprinted to my room, hoping he didn't see me. When I didn't here him yelling my name, I sighed. "Time for revenge." I grabbed duck tape, a blow horn, scissors, some magazines, a photo album, and a sharpie. "Let's get started." I first made a little bubble of air with the duck tape, and I duck taped it to the lid. I wanted to test it, but it would give me away. I would have to run into West's room for this one. And I'd have to do it fast.
I ran inside his room and attached the horn to his chair, so that when he sat down to horn would blow. Then, while in there, I grabbed his tape recorder. I recorded myself saying a message, then out it my the horn. Next, I drew over all of Ludwig pictures in his photo album with the sharpie. Next, I put the magazine, a very good addition of Play Boy, on his desk. I put the photo album on his night stand. When I heard someone walking in, I ran and hid under his bed. I just sat there, waiting for Ludwig and Mr. Vargas to come in.


I hated admitting I couldn't draw in front of Mr. Vargas. It made me feel bad. "It's OK, you aren't the only one in my class that doesn't draw that well."
"Si. Now, what do you know how to draw?" I thought for a moment. "Basic shapes and stick figures."
"Well, then your half way there." I raised a brow. "You knowvthe basic shapes of things right? Now all you have to do is add detail, and you just learn later on what detail is supposed to go where, where certain shapes that you already know how to draw go. Does that make sense?"
"Yes." Mr. Vargas nodded and took a notebook out of his little bag he had brought with him.
"I wasn't the best artist when I first started. My grandpa liked to draw with me, but once he passed, I had given up art. When I got into high school, I tired it again. It took me a long time to get used to how to draw certain forms, but after a lot of practice and determination, I was able to draw my first picture that made it to an artist institution, and from there, I got better and better. It all starts with the simple forms." I nodded. He showed me some of his pictures. One ofbthem was of a tree in the courtyard, a cherry blossom I think. The next was a very detailed mermaid. He skipped a page and showed me his self portrait. "And the thing about self-portraits is, that it can be very hard to make it realistic. The shading changes depending on where you are and what time it is. So, I think you shouldn't do realistic. You should just do what's most comfortable to you."
"What was on to page before this one?"
"Oh, u-Uh it's a realistic picture of my brother. He looks a L-lot like me, so there's no point to show it."
I smiled. It was very cute when he lied. What was I thinking?!
"I'm going to go grab my notebook." I stood up and walked towards my room. I leaned a little bit on my chair and I jumped at the sound of an air horn. I fell back and landed on my bottom. "What the fuck?!" I yelled. Mr. Vargas ran in. "Ludwig, are you OK?!"
"Ja, just fell backwards." Mr. Vargas came over and helped me up. I looked at my desk. "Ugh, Gilbert was most likely in here."
"Why do you say that?"
"First off, that's an air horn duck taped to my chair, and secondly, that's one of his magazines on my desk." I sighed, and picked up my sketch book. "OK, mind showing me how you drew the basic shapes?"

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