Wake up sleepy head.

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"You may go when the bell goes class." Just on cue everyone heard the brrrrrr of the bell jumping up on their feet, making their way towards the door.
Apart from Eliza, she just sat their reading her book for 5 minutes.

I get up making my way to mr barlow after i had finished the chapter of my book, its fantastic. Its called jack reacher by lee child, I recommend it to everyone. If you cant be asses to read the book then atleast watch the film starring heart throb tom cruise!!
When I finally reach Gary's desk, he doesn't even look up at me. Charming.
I don't know what i have done wrong to upset him but he didn't even set eyes on me all day today in class, didn't wink at me when he'd told everyone what their task was, didn't squeeze my arm or give me a nudge when he walked past me. I didn't even get any text messages from him today.
I usually would get in a day the typical.
'Im bored'
'Why did I become an art teacher? Urg. Omg'
'Slowly losing the wheal to live'
'What's the meaning of life?'
Like who the hell ask their student/girlfriend what the meaning of life is because their bored when they are meant to be teaching them.

Okay he's starting to piss me off now, iv been sat crossed legged next to him form 10 minutes now, not saying a word. He doesn't glance down at me, just keeps on doing crap on his computer.
After taking a long, slow slurp of his tea, he looks down at me. "Go sit in my private office.
I gave me evils as i stood up and walked away, after I entered, i put the kettle on making myself a cuppa and sat down on the small sofa he brought not so long ago and went through twitter.
After what felt like centuries gary came waltzing in, got his chair and sat down next to me. "Yes" i say as bluntly as possible, barely taking my eyes off my phone to look up at him before back down again and i could feel him burning a hold in my head.
"What have i done wrong, why are you ignoring me?"
Gary whines, he's such a baby sometimes!
"Me! Im ignoring you!? Are you kidding me? You haven't even looked at me all day, no text, no nothing.
I don't know what I'VE done wrong?"
He just sits their staring at me with puppy eyes. Well bitch that ain't working.
He opens his mouth to speak before deciding to quickly close it again. "Im sorry, i just couldn't look at you all day, I didn't want to get distracted. Im really sorry, i know i handled the situation badly"
damn straight!
"But you don't undertaken, I've never felt like this about someone, Eliza you're making me crazy, I'm falling for you hard and i just don't want that to affect my job or yours or any of the other classes education. Im sorry, please forgive me"
I grab his head pulling him into my chest, my face in his hair. "Of corse i forgive you gary. God You just make me crazy about" i sniffle.
Suddenly i feel to large arms wrap around my waist, pushing me to lay down, where me and gary spend the time he's 'meant to be teaching me' cuddled up on the sofa in his office, door closed, in the comfort of each other. Gary's arms wrapped around my waist, head on my stomach laying between my legs. My hands of the top of his back and neck playing with hid hair, eyes closed just enjoying the moment being wrapped up in my boyfriends arms.

"Hey, what time is it? Shall i take you back or are we alright for time?" Gary spoke, head still on my stomach. It tickled when he talked.
"Ill message my mum and tell her I'm going out with a friend to grab a coffee and wont be back till later, so i can stay with you for longer" i mutter while messaging my mum.
Once I'd messaged her, i tried to go to sleep or at least rest but just couldn't. I was too busy looking round the room we were within. Big, dark blue walls, one wall covered with paper which was covered with notes, marking sheets and homework. A few paintings and photographs scattered here and there among the walls.
I big deck back and centre with a very large and comfy leather chair sat nicely behind it. And the the big brown and grey sofa at the side of the room where we laid. Cabinets in every which corner, no doubt bursting with paper work.
All in all, i know it doesn't sound it but his office was very neat and tidy. Quite smart looking but then again gary was a very neat and tidy man. Definitely smart looking walking around in his suits.

It was adorable the other day when gary did a practical lesson with our class where we were drawing anything that came to mind and then painting it.
He came in as usual in his grey suit all neat and tidy, shirt tucked in, tie perfectly sat behind his waist coat, its then that he put an apron on to of his suit to stop it from getting messy. When i saw this i started pissing myself laughing, he looked so adorable, sat there in this really nice suit and then this bloody apron which was covered in loads of different coloured paints. I got some great evil looks from him that lesson. We'll that whole day. He refused to forgive me for laughing at him. I couldn't help it. It was hilarious.

It was then that i woke up to Gary's strong arms shaking me lightly to wake me up. "Eliza its 7,00pm i need to take you home so you don't get in trouble." He was right i did need to get home but i was so comfy. I didn't even realise I actually fell asleep. I felt cold without him laying upon me. I groaned grabbing my bag and waled to the car as gary followed me.

As i got in the car, rubbing my eyes from the change of lighting, gary put his hand in mine give it a reassuring squeeze. Driving through the roads i noticed we weren't going back to mine. I didn't bother to ask gary where we were going as I'm sure it would soon be self explanatory.

We pulled up at Gary's house, he looked at me smiling.
"When you were asleep I messaged your mum pretending I was you saying that you were staying at a friends the night. Technically I wasn't lying but tonight i want you to spend the night with me. Please?" Of corse i said yes, i was nervous i had never been in Gary's house before and i was intrigued to see what it looked like. The walk to the front door was to long for my liking.

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