I get an icepack for my face which is now swollen.
"What the fuck" i said in a daze.
No one answered me.
"Can some please explain what happened?" I said tearing up.
My mom came around the corner grabbing me by my head.
"My poor baby. I never liked him!" She said over and over while rocking my face. I pulled away,
"Mom calm down. He didn't mean it he was just angry. I don't know what happened but something happened on his journey. We just need to talk."
I said putting the ice pack back on my face.
"POPPY! He's just going to do it again!" She said upset.
"He's never hit me the whole 2 years we have been together. I just need to know what happened with him."
I said defensively. I wiped my tears away.
"Fine, learn the hard way." She said leaving my room.
I don't even remember walking to my room. Everything was a blur, I could just see the anger in his eyes, I could feel the pain throbbing on my cheek.
I heard a knock at my door, "come in" I say reluctantly. Brandon walks in with a dozen red roses and a giant panda bear.
"Hey babe how do you feel?" He said in a child like voice.
"Well my face hurts and my mom thinks I shouldn't see you anymore"
"Oh, I see. Do you agree with her?" He asked really nicely.
"Of course I don't I love you Brandon but I need to know what happened to you out there."
He laid the flowers down on my desk and the bear on the ground next to it.
"Okay, i'll explain"