Which Nickname Is Perfect For You?

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1. How would you describe yourself?

A. Weird  B. Smart  C. Charming  D. Cool  E. Strong

( A - 10pts  B - 50pts  C - 40pts  D - 30pts  E - 20pts.)

2. What do you enjoy doing?

A. Fighting  B. Studying  C. Making new friends  D. Flirting  E. Being alone

( A - 20pts  B - 50pts  C - 30pts  D - 40pts  E - 10pts.)

3. Which movie genre do you like best?

A. Comedy\Fantasy  B. Action\Crime  C. Drama\Sci-Fi  D. Horror/Thriller  E. Romance\Adventure

( A - 30pts  B - 20pts  C - 50pts  D - 10pts  E - 40pts.)

4. What clothes do you prefer to wear?

A. Suits\Uniforms  B. Latest styles  C. Workout, sports clothes  D. Something Unusual  E. Casual, jeans and T-shirts

( A - 50pts  B - 40pts  C - 20pts  D - 10pts  E - 30pts.

5. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

A. Strawberry  B. Vanilla  C. Anything with lots of toppings  D. Chocolate  E. I'm on a diet

( A - 40pts  B - 50pts  C - 30pts  D - 20pts  E - 10pts.)

6. What's your favorite cat/dog breed?

A. Persian/Labrador  B. Siamese/Jack Russel Terrier  C. Sphynx/Chinese Crested  D. Abyssinian/German Shepherd  E. Maine Coon/Pit bull

( A - 30pts  B - 40pts  C - 10pts  D - 50pts  E - 20pts.)

7. What's most important to you?

A. Loyalty  B. Career  C. Elegance  D. Fun  E. Nothing Really

( A - 20pts  B - 50pts  C - 40pts  D - 30pts  E - 10pts.)

8. Pick a Metal:

A. Gold  B. Silver  C. Mercury  D. Iron  E. Copper

( A - 40pts  B - 30pts  C - 10pts  D - 20pts  E - 50pts.)

9. Pick a Quote:

A. Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know  B. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened  C. That which does not kill us makes us stronger  D. Love of beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is art.  E. Maybe your weird is my normal. Who's to say?

( A - 50pts  B - 30pts  C - 20pts  D - 40pts  E - 10pts.)

10. Are you going to use the nickname from this quiz?

A. Who wants to know?  B. Why not?  C. No, thank you!  D. Yes, if it's good enough  E. I don't know, this may be stupid

( A - 10pts  B - 30pts  C - 50pts  D - 40pts  E - 20pts.)


100-170pts - FREAKAZOID! You're kinda weird, always different from the rest. People hang out with you to have a break from conformity. Your edginess is interesting and mysterious.

180-250pts - TUFF STUFF! You're hard and intimidating, no one messes with you. You can smell fear, but you rarely get scared. Your friends are lucky to have you on their side.

260-340pts - FLUFFKIN! You know how to communicate with others. You're adorable, cuddly, and warm just like a goldfish. You have a great personality with a hint of randomness.

350-420pts - THE PRECIOUS! You tend to shine and stand out of a crowd. You have a charming spirit which is made to be in the spotlight. Something new is always on the horizon.

430-500pts - BRAINIAC! You usually think about what's next. You look like a smart person, maybe a nerd or a geek. You can give strong and realistic advices to to all your friends.

Hey Guys, sorry I haven't updated for a while. I've been going to so many concerts and stuff and more. But I'm going to update a lot today so don't worry. -Susie:)

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