What Will You Be in Your Afterlife?

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1. What do you think is the meaning of life? A. Love and be loved  B. Die happy  C. Gain as much as possible  D. Make people around me happy 

( A - 10pts  B - 0pts  C - 30pts  D - 20pts. ) 

2. Are you in love? A. No, but I hope I will be someday  B. Yes, happy relationship/marriage  C. Yes, but they don't love me back  D. Maybe I am, maybe I'm not . . . What's the point?

( A - 30pts  B - 20pts  C - 10pts  D - 0pts. )

3. What animal do you most identify with? A. Dog/Bear/Shark  B. Wolf/Owl/Horse  C. Dove/Sheep/Snake  D. Cow/Monkey/Any type of cat 

( A - 0pts  B - 10pts  C - 20pts  D - 30pts. )

4. Do you pray? A. Yes  B. Nope  C. Sometimes  D. I meditate

( A - 20pts  B - 0pts  C - 10pts  D - 30pts. ) 

5. What's your spiritual perspective? A. I'm not sure what to believe  B. We are individual organisms, governed by brain waves  C. We are governed by a sole spiritual entity  D. 
All life is connected by a spiritual force

( A - 10pts  B - 0pts  C - 20pts  D - 30pts. )

6. Which of these best describes your moral standard? A. Keep a balance between good and evil  B. Hold myself to a high level of morality  C. Life is too short to worry about the grey areas  D. It depends on the situation, but mostly don't do any bad stuff

( A - 30pts  B - 20pts  C - 0pts  D - 10pts. )

7. What's your biggest flaw? A. Anger/hate  B. Lust/Naivety  C. Greed/Intolerance  D. Perfection/Superiority

( A - 20pts  B - 10pts  C - 0pts  D - 30pts. )

8. What's your motivation to do a good deed? A. It's the decent thing to do  B. It will make up for the bad things I did before  C. Karma, do good and it will come back to me  D. It's almost like a mission to me 

( A - 0pts  B - 10pts  C - 30pts  D - 20pts. ) 

9. What do you think your last words might be? A. It's not my time!  B. Now here comes the sad part, but natural and important  C. I love you, I won't be far  D. Well, it was a good run after all 

( A - 10pts  B - 30pts  C - 20pts  D - 0pts. ) 

10. What do you believe happens after death? A. You get rewarded or punished  B. You get reborn into another body  C. You linger on this earth  D. Nothing! In the end, we are all losers

( A - 20pts  B - 30pts  C - 10pts  D - 0pts. ) 


0 - 60pts ~ STARDUST! You will shut down, and your body will decompose or be turned to ashes. You're a practical person with realistic beliefs. You know to enjoy every moment of this life, because nothing after this is guaranteed. 

70 - 140pts ~ GHOST! When you will die, you would linger as a ghost. You have some unfinished business in your current life, and aren't ready to leave this world. There will be no rest for you until your purpose on Earth is fulfilled. 

150 - 230pts ~ IMMORTAL SOUL! Your soul will go to Heaven or Hell, Jannah or Jahannam, etc. If you've been a good person, you will be rewarded with eternal happiness. If you have sinned a lot, you will suffer the punishment of eternal fire. 

240 - 300pts ~ LIVING BEING! After you die, you will be reincarnated. You're not the type to give up on life. Instead, you'll keep on going, into another life, another body. Better of worse, this new life will be very good for your soul, and teach you new lessons. 

Thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate it! If you guys have any ideas for these that I do, comment below and I will make one. Also I'm so sorry I have been inactive for awhile. I will make sure I am a lot more active than before. There will be more I am posting today, I just have to finish and start, or finish them haha. Have a wonderful day:)

                                                                    ~ Susie:)

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