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I woke up today to the sound of Damien shouting at the TV, it really makes me wonder why they allow visitors in the recovery rooms. I weakly say, "so how was the raid?" .Par normal, Damien just grunts. More inquisitive you this time "Did you at least loot me anything, I was in the acid pit and they wiped my memory this time, it was hell". Before I had finished saying it, Damien pointed to a five foot tall print of "Dogs Playing Poker". Now ,note that this is not the first time that I have received a print of this painting, in fact it is approximately the 20th, including the postcards. Just then Nightstar walks in and shoots me in the face a massive paintball gun. Thanks, now I definitely need a shower, and seriously, that couch cushion had only one stain on it, you could of waited. I listened for a response but all I got was manicle laughter.

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