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I walked into my office tired. I didn't really want to be bother anyone right now but I decided that I'll give my boss the answer today.

I sat at my desk filling some paper work from other cases. Its been almost 2 years before the incident happened but I feel like it just happened yesterday. A knock on my door took me out of my thoughts.

"Come in." I said. Mr. Grand came in , it took me by surprise because he normally doesn't come to your office. I smiled weakly at him.

"Hey Daya I wanted to know if you made up your mind about the case we heard some news this morning that he will be here later tonight. So are you because if you don't we are going to have Marg take over the case She is the only option for right now ." He finished.

I looked around thinking. I didn't know I guess I'll do it. No I'm not doing it not at all. I don't want to get through with it. I can't ,I won't.

" Well sir" I coughed
" I am not ready to take a big Responsibility like this. I hate to say no but I think since Marg has been here longer she would be better after all she's a very good at cases like this I guess. Maybe next time I'm sorry." I looked down ...

"Well love if that's what you want I guess Marg will be easier. I understand kind of disappointed. But thank you I'll go tell Marg don't want to hold you up. And there will be a meeting in my office in a hour." He finished and walked out.

I looked around my office its a little junky so I decided to clean a little.

After a few dusting my book shelf , and wiping my table down. I decided to go and get lunch. I walked past Margs office to hear her snicker.

" Yeah. I got the case. Daya slow ass didn't want it I bet if I win this case She'll be out of here for good. He a hunk. I wouldn't mind if he puts me in my place. I wonder if he's good in bed . "
I decided to walk away she's ugh. I walked into the lobby and saw Dan. I greeted him.
" Hey" I smiled and grabbed a orange juice.
"Hey" he replied then walked away. That was strange he usually be happier .
I decided orange juice, and a tuna sandwich.

I glanced at my phone 12:50. Well crap let me get going so I won't be late to the meeting.

On my way to the Meeting Marg, Dan, and Grand was in there already. Here we go once again.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter I will try to update more. Love you guys

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