Chapter Two

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As Nate listened to Sophie's proposed marketing plan for his company, he had to admit that there was something alluring about her. Oh, she was physically attractive, with her thick blond hair that reached her waist and curled enticingly around her face. Her eyes were the type of blue that was crystal-like, deep and transparent. They made him a bit lightheaded when he looked into them so long, but it was a strange feeling, one that drew him. Like he wanted to fall into the depths and lose himself. And then there were her lips. Plump and full and just begging to be kissed. The way she kept chewing on them, pulling at them with the tips of her fingers was distracting as hell.

But there was something else. Maybe that, even while sitting down, she seemed to explode with energy. She couldn't sit still. Now that her wine was almost gone, she was no longer fidgeting, but as she talked, her hands moved to complement her excitement. He could tell she wasn't just trying to make a sale. She knew and loved what she was talking about.

"It would be best, once we reach the stage of guest blogging that you write the articles yourself." The slide of the presentation showed examples of several sites where she would be submitting his blogs. "However, we do understand that you might not have time for such a commitment. Many of our clients choose to have ghostwriters, and I can assure you that they are extremely competent and would be able to affect any voice or writing style you'd like."

"What if I don't want my name on these articles?"

She pressed her lips together and he had to force himself not to stare. It was no use, though. His mouth began to water as he wondered what she would taste like. He frowned at himself, a bit disgusted by his reaction. He was never like this, especially not at a business meeting. Even in the realms of dating, he always had the upper hand, the control. He had never been afraid to go after what he wanted. He was never afraid to end a relationship when he knew the expiration date was approaching, either. And it wasn't like he was looking for a relationship now, especially with the company on the brink of the largest merger.

But Sophie made him suddenly want to reconsider his priorities.

"It would be very beneficial to your company's online marketing campaign," she said. "Guest blogging is a great way to build an online marketing campaign."

"What if I don't want to launch an online marketing campaign?"

Her eyes widened, and she looked at him as if he had just said that he didn't think breathing was necessary to life.

"Why wouldn't you? It would generate a lot of business for your company."

He chuckled. "I don't think I need help in that arena."

"Social media is also an avenue through which you can communicate with your customers."

"I don't like the idea of taking away from direct communication and relying on the internet."

He could tell from her expression that she wasn't going to let up. "It's much more cost-effective, productive, and efficient. You'll save tons of time, not to mention overhead. The internet could make your life a lot easier."

"You're saying that it would be more effective than personal interaction?"

"It could take its place on one or two aspects. Most things, actually, could be replaced completely."

He narrowed his eyes. "I don't agree with you. You're saying that the internet could replace...everything?"

"Most things."

"Like what?"

"Shopping." She numbered them on one hand. "Magazines. Books. Mail. Seriously, you could have fresh produce delivered to your door with two clicks of a button. I mean, you could even chat with your friends through videos, now. You can IM them and talk to them without having to drive anywhere."

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