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Pandora's P.O.V

"I don't care if it's a boy or a girl. I'm just glad it's with you, and I want it to be healthy." My mom said to my dad as we all stood in the doctors office waiting to get called back for them to take pictures of the inside of my mum's belly.

"Agreed. How about you Panda?" My dad asked me.

"I want a sister. Boys are gross." I said, causing my parents to laugh really loud. Everyone in the room looked at us really weird.

"Johanna King." A nurse called out. We get to go find out if I'm having a brother or a sister now.

Mum got really excited and practically flew into the exam room and flopped down on the bed, chair thing.

"Hello Johanna. How have you been since the last time we saw you?" The nurse lady asked.

"I've been good. Really excited for today." Mum said, and my dad nodded in agreement.

My mum rolled her shirt up and the nurse laid a towel in her lap before putting this clear jelly looking stuff all over her belly.

"Pandora, look up there." My dad said, pointing to a tv screen on the wall.

I looked up and saw a black and white image of what looked like a small baby doll. I assumed that had to be my little brother or sister I saw.

"Mr. And Mrs. King, would you like to hear what your having?" The nurse asked and they both nodded.

"Okay. Well, it looks like Pandora is going to have a little brother. Congratulations, it's a boy." The nurse said.

It seemed like my mum instantly started crying once she was told it was a boy. I looked at her weirdly for a few moments.

"Mummy, are you crying because boys are gross? I'd be crying to." I said. And she laughed at me slightly.

"Yes Panda. I'm crying because boys are gross."

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