7.) I Hate You

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Pandora's P.O.V

As I sat in a chair next to my mum's bed, I can't even imagine why she did this. I know her and my dad were fighting a lot, but why would she do this to me? Why would she do this to Jeremy and Miya? I don't even know how to explain to them what happened to her.

I haven't called anyone yet. I don't want to.

I just wanna sit here with Calum and Ashton, and not have to answer anyone's stupid questions about any of this.

How do I explain to the family that my mum is suicidal because my dad is an asshole who can't keep his mouth shut?

And then everyone in the family, who hasn't spoken to me in years is gonna try and call or text telling me how sorry they are, and they never would have seen this coming. No shit you never saw it coming, you haven't seen us in the past three fucking years.

I know where we stand in this family. At the bottom.

All because of me. I'm to different for my family.

Everyone on my dad's side of the family goes to church every Sunday, and dresses to the nines. They are all a bunch of rich snobs, and I just don't swing that way and flannels. I like my black skinny jeans. I like my punk rock music, and I like my bright red hair.

I just hate how everyone in my house has to go without talking to them because of me.

It isn't fair.

"Miss King, we called your father. He is on his way here. He isn't bringing your brother and sister, they are staying with your Aunt tonight." A nurse said. I just nodded my head, even though I wanna punch her in the face.

I turned back to my mum and frowned. I looked up at Calum and Ashton who are just staring at her. They have known her for years. They were like sons to her. They even called her mum, when my dad wasn't around. If he was they called her Mrs. King, but she didn't mind them calling her mum. She loves them.

"Why do you think she did it?" I asked out loud, not even thinking about if she could hear me or not.

"I don't know Panda. I never thought she would have done this." Calum said, and Ashton shook his head.

"Do you think your dad has something to do with it?" Ashton asked me, and I just looked up at him. I met his gaze, which was sad, and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I have no idea. But if it was something he said to her, I will be in prison for the rest of my life for murder." I said, and I heard the door open behind me.

I knew it was my dad right away, so I didn't turn to look at him.

"How is she?" He asked.

"Dying." I said bluntly.

"What happened to her? All the hospital told me when they called is that she was rushed in here to get her stomach pumped." He said.

"She tried to kill herself." I said.

"Why would she do that?" He asked me. I just rolled my eyes and didn't answer.

"Pandora. I asked you a question." He snapped at me..

"Probably because you're an ass." I snapped back and turned to look at him finally, and he looked shocked.

"Watch your mouth. I bet she did it because of you." He said back to me.

"You know what dad. I'm taking the kids, and I'm moving out. I fucking hate you. I wish it was you that was in that bed and not her." I snapped before storming out of mums hospital room, I didn't hear the door close right away, and I heard foot steps, knowing Cal and Ashton were following me.

"Ashton, take me to my Aunts house. I'm getting the kids and we are staying at your house tonight. Just until I can figure out my next move." I said, and he nodded his head climbing into the drivers seat.

"How are you gonna keep your dad away from them?" Calum asked.

"With his record, he will never get custody."

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